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When to use these Nodejs frameworks? Express, Koa, Nest,, Meteor.js

Tejas Kaneriya on August 28, 2020

According to the Node.js web survey report 2018, Node.js has increased developer productivity by 68%, reduced development costs, and enhanced app p...
enmanuel97 profile image
Jesus Enmanuel De La Cruz

As a backend developer I was looking for an alternative to change PHP as my main backend language, at the beginning I was seing Go but changed my mind when I met NestJS, it's very similar to Angular and luckily I was learned Angular, I HATE NODEJS But with Nest I'm in love with it.

tejaskaneriya profile image
Tejas Kaneriya

Why hate node.js? Curious?

enmanuel97 profile image
Jesus Enmanuel De La Cruz

In nodejs with express I have to do everything by myself, I know that Node is so powerful but I though that was not for me.

Thread Thread
krishnacyber profile image

I think God will sit by your side and write code for yourself😄(Don't be serious 😄). We have to do everything. Doing a lot by yourself means a lot of flexibility and do as your choice. Now node js is crowned 👑🤴.

franga2000 profile image
Miha Frangež

Legit question: is Meteor actually usable for production? I've tried using it a total of 3 times im the last 3-ish years and every time, the setup was messy and neither the generated empty project, nor any of the basic example projects I could find, would even run out of the box.

Has this improved?

tejaskaneriya profile image
Tejas Kaneriya

Yes, it has improved, it showed lackluster growth, however, it has picked up again.

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

Is it possible to use two of these frameworks in one app? For instance if I like NestJS for my project but prefer Socket for a chat feature?

tejaskaneriya profile image
Tejas Kaneriya

Hi Doaa, yes you can power different use cases using different frameworks in a single app.

wassimoo profile image
Bougarfa Wassim
dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

Great, thank you

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Only really used Express but keen to play around with Watched a tutorial on it and it seems fairly easy to use.

tejaskaneriya profile image
Tejas Kaneriya

Good choice, we have used multiple times and it never disappoints.

alexander9306 profile image
Alexander Damaso

I have used express as my go to solution but NestJs seems really interesting.

tejaskaneriya profile image
Tejas Kaneriya

Nest.js & express.js, both are interesting and useful framework. It would be amazing to see how growth continues for both of them.