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Ajaye Favour
Ajaye Favour

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Solidity Inheritance

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Consider constructing a home with a different rooms and features. Each area has a distinct role and use, but they all work together to form a whole and useful living space.

Solidity inheritance works similarly. Inheritance allows you to create smart contracts that inherit properties and functionality from other contracts, just like rooms in a house inherit certain characteristics from the overall house design.

Let's say you have a base contract called House. This House contract defines some fundamental features that every house should have, such as a foundation, walls, and a roof. It serves as the blueprint for all the houses you will build.

Now, you want to create a specialized contract called SmartHouse that inherits from the House contract. The SmartHouse contract adds additional features like automated lighting, smart locks, and energy monitoring.

By using inheritance, you can easily create the SmartHouse contract by extending the House contract. It's like adding extra rooms and advanced technologies to your existing house design.

Solidity supports inheritance, which allows you to create new contracts based on existing ones. Inheritance is a way to reuse code and avoid duplicating functionality across multiple contracts.

To inherit from a parent contract, you can use the "is" keyword followed by the name of the parent contract.

solidity #smartcontracts #blockchain #solidityinheritance

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