In this article, we will see socialite login with a google account in laravel 9.
Here, we will learn how to create a socialite login with google in laravel 8 and laravel 9.
This post gives you an example of a laravel 9 socialite login with a google account and also you can knowledge about how to socialite login with a google account in laravel 9 jetstream.
So, let's see laravel 9 login with google account, laravel 9 login with gmail account, login with google in laravel 9, and laravel 9 socialite example.
Step 1: Install Laravel 9 App
Step 2: Install JetStream
Step 3: Install Socialite Package
Step 4: Create Google App
Step 5: Add Column In User Table
Step 6: Create Route
Step 7: Create Controller
Step 8: Edit Login Blade File
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