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Laravel 8 AJAX CRUD Using Datatable

In this article, we will see the laravel 8 AJAX CRUD operation using datatable. we will perform the AJAX CRUD operation without page refresh.

If you don't want to page reload when you insert, update, or delete data then you should use AJAX call in your laravel 8. Also, we will see how to use yajra datatables in laravel 8.

We can use yajra datatable to perform an AJAX CRUD operation in laravel 8. So, follow step-by-step AJAX CRUD operation PHP.

Step 1: Create Laravel 8 Application

Step 2: Setup Database Configuration

Step 3: Create Migration and Model

Step 4: Install yajra/laravel-datatables Package

Step 5: Add Resource Route

Step 6: Add Controller and Model

Step 7: Add Blade Files
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