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Demystifying the 5 Most Common Android App Development Myths

A lot of companies do understand these attributes but find themselves lost in the vast sea full of myths surrounding Android app development. To rise above these myths, companies, and developers should find out the truths and banish the widespread beliefs which often prevent the apps from moving to the next level.

Here are five of the most common myths related to Android application development.

1. Developing Enterprise Apps is a Time-Consuming Process

Traditional techniques and methods used for creating software are indeed time-consuming. It is said that it can take almost six months to create and launch a mobile app. This figure can be multiplied by the total number of apps a business needs for serving OS platforms. For instance, 6 months for iOS and 6 months for Android – that 1 full year to get two apps deployed.

App development has come a very long way when compared to traditional software development. There are now several innovative techniques, like low-code mobile app development platforms, feature-driven app development, and rapid web and mobile development which enables robust development and deployment. These modern Android app development techniques nullify the widespread belief that the process is time-consuming and overly complicated.

2. The More the Number of Features, the Better the App

A common mistake in Android application development is to believe that your mobile app is a smaller version of a business website. This belief leads to the developers stuffing the app with more and more features. However, the basic concept of having a mobile app is delivering focused and specific functionality to targeted users.

Most of the mobile apps that want to kill multiple birds with a single shot, end up being bloated, slow and consume a lot of mobile memory and battery. While high-end graphics are very helpful, users of the business app are looking for ease of use and functionality in the app. Rather than building an app with all the features that you can imagine, focus on simplicity and usability. Most importantly, make sure that the app has a clearly defined purpose to achieve mobile success.

3. The Job of an Android App Development Company is Over Once the App is Released

As per a report by Statista, there are more than 3 million apps in Google Play Store. Many of these Android apps are never downloaded by users as most of them are not even aware that these apps exist. This is not because that the apps are useless but more so because the potential users are almost never able to find these apps. You’ll be struggling with something similar if you believe that the Android application development job is done as soon as the app is released.

It is very important for every business to also focus on the marketing aspect of the app along with the development process. Development alone is not enough, and marketing is essential for success. Once the app is launched, you can also get to know how people are interacting with the app, analyze the flow of the screen, and see how users are moving through the conversion funnels to further improve the app. Data analytics can greatly help understand usage, changes required, and new ways to make app branding stronger.

4. Great Graphics are All that Matters for Great Rating

While there is no denying the fact that high-end graphics are important in Android app development, graphics alone do not guarantee that your app would be loved by users and will receive great user ratings. There are several other factors that contribute to the success of an app and bring excellent ratings.

Simplicity, user experience, and clear functionality are three major considerations. It is also very important for the app to have a clear purpose as users can often get confused otherwise and might end up uninstalling the app. So, rather than just focusing on graphics, understand these other attributes too as the graphics alone won’t deliver the expected results.

5. Believing that the Size of the App is Related to the Development time

A lot of companies correlate the size of the app with its development cost and time. They believe that if an app is a small one like a single screen app, it can be developed easily within a matter of a few days or weeks. However, this is not true.

The simplest of apps that you see in the portfolio of an Android app development company can take months to develop on traditional platforms. Right from the functionality of the app, its interface, to integration with third-party plugins, everything takes time and it’ll not really be a simple and quick experience. It is all about building a solid strategy and hiring the right company for app developers to make sure that the app is built in a comprehensive and time-efficient manner. And low-code mobile app development platforms like HokuApps can develop comprehensive apps in weeks or months and not years.

Android app development has completely revolutionized how developers build a mobile app. But while app development has come a long way from what it was a few years ago, there are still several myths which limit the potential of the apps. If you want your Android app to succeed and deliver the expected results, steer clear of the myths as now you know the truth.

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