DEV Community

Sarah Lean's Weekly Update Podcast

Weekly Update #89 - I'm not a social media influencer

Welcome to another Friday update!  The week's are fair flying in, here we are at the end of April!

It's been a fairly quiet week for Azure news, but this week I've taken the opportunity to share what there is and also highly some awesome news from the team over at Jabra around the new video bar and personal webcam that they announced this week.

I also take the chance to share where my head is at the moment in regards to social media, and how I'm trying to distance myself from the negative part of it and focus on being a technical expert in my field and not a social media influencer. Focussing on what makes me happy. 😊

If you'd like to support me creating video and audio content please consider "buying me a coffee"

My video graphics were created by the awesome Krist McKenna from Ratworks

Music by and

Episode source