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Forget if !=null and try/catch and write leaner code

JavaScript, as it continues to evolve, is constantly introducing new features to improve code management, especially when working with complex and nested objects.

In addition to the already known tools such as Optional Chaining (?.) and Optional Chaining Assignment (??=), a recent proposal under discussion, the ECMAScript Safe Assignment Operator Proposal, aims to make the language even safer and more readable in conditional assignment situations.

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What is Optional Chaining (?.) ?

Optional Chaining (?.) was introduced to simplify access to properties of deeply nested objects or arrays, which may not exist or have null or undefined values. The operator allows access to these properties without the risk of generating TypeErrors.

Here is a typical example:

let user = {
  profile: {
    name: 'Shania'

// Safety access to 'name'
let userName = user?.profile?.name; // 'Shania'

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If user or user.profile were null or undefined, accessing userName would return undefined instead of causing an error.

Advantages of Optional Chaining

  • Error prevention: Avoid errors such as TypeError: Cannot read property of undefined.
  • More concise code: Reduces the need for numerous && or if statement checks.
  • Safe access to methods or properties: Can also be used to call methods or access array elements, without explicit checks.

What is Optional Chaining Assignment (??=) ?

Optional Chaining Assignment (??=) is an extension of the Optional Chaining concept, introduced to simplify the assignment of default values ​​to variables that could be null or undefined.
With the syntax ??=, we can assign a value only if the variable in question is null or undefined. For example:

let settings = null;

// Assign a default object only if settings is null or undefined
settings ??= { theme: 'dark', notifications: true };
console.log(settings); // { theme: 'dark', notifications: true }

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In this case, settings was null, so a default value was assigned. If settings had already had a value other than null or undefined, the assignment would not have occurred.

Difference with OR Assignment Operator (||=)

A similar operator is ||=, which assigns a value to a variable only if it is "falsy", that is, if its value is one of false, 0, "", null, or undefined. In contrast, the ??= operator works exclusively with null or undefined.

Here is a comparative example:

let count = 0;

count ||= 10; // count remains 10 because 0 is considered "falsy"
console.log(count); // 10

count = 0;

count ??= 10; // perform assignment because count is not null or undefined
console.log(count); // 0

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ECMAScript Safe Assignment Operator Proposal

The ECMAScript Safe Assignment Operator Proposal is a proposal currently under discussion that builds on the concept of safe assignment. The idea behind this proposal is similar to the existing conditional assignment operators (??= and ||=), but with the goal of further improving the safety of the language in assignment operations.

Goal of the Proposal

The main idea of ​​this proposal is to create an operator that not only performs conditional assignment, but does so in a "safe" way. This means that the operator would not allow assignments to be made that do not meet certain conditions or safety criteria.

The proposal provides a mechanism that allows assignments to be made only if the variable is "safe", that is, not only not null or undefined, but also conforms to a certain validity context. The operator would act similarly to a "safe guard", applicable to ensure that assignments respect consistency criteria in the code.

Theoretical example

Suppose the proposal includes a new operator ?= (similar to ??=, but with more thorough checks):

let age = -1;

// Safe assignment: assign the value only if it is "safe" (for example, a positive number)
age ?= 18; 
console.log(age); // Returns 18 only if -1 is considered unsafe, otherwise it keeps the original value

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In this theoretical example, the ?= operator would have the function of checking not only whether age is null or undefined, but also whether it is a valid value in the context of the application (for example, an age cannot be negative).

How to avoid try/catch

The proposal also aims to avoid the need for try/catch blocks to handle errors when assigning variables or properties. The central idea is that the "safe" assignment operator performs checks and validation implicitly, without having to resort to more complex workarounds like try/catch blocks.

Let's see a theoretical example of how the Safe Assignment Operator could work to avoid try/catch.

Suppose we have a function that calls an API to get information about a user. This API might return an error, missing data, or invalid values, and we want to handle this behavior without using an explicit try/catch block. Also, in case of an error or invalid response, we want to use a default value.

Without Safe Assignment Operator: Using try/catch

Normally, we would use try/catch to handle errors when calling the API:

async function fetchUserData() {
    try {
        let response = await fetch('');
        let data = await response.json();

        if (!data || ! {
            throw new Error('Username not available');

        return data;
    } catch (error) {
        return { name: 'Unknown user' }; //Fallback value on error

let user = await fetchUserData();
console.log(; // 'Unknown user' if call fails

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In this code:

  • If the API call fails or is not available, we use try/catch to catch the error and return an object with a fallback name.

With Safe Assignment Operator: Without try/catch

Now let's simulate the behavior of the (theoretical) Safe Assignment Operator to avoid explicit error handling with try/catch. The theoretical operator ?= allows to assign only if the value is safe and valid. If the API returns an error or an invalid value, we will avoid the assignment without needing to block the execution.

Here's how it could work:

let user = { name: 'Unknown user' }; //default value

// API call
let fetchedUser = await fetch('')
    .then(res => res.json())
    .catch(() => null); // If there is an error, we return null

// We assign the name only if fetchedUser exists and has a valid 'name' property ?= fetchedUser?.name;

console.log(; // 'Unknown user' if fetchedUser is null or name is invalid

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How it works:

  • let fetchedUser = ...: We make an API call that can fail. If the call fails, the .catch() block returns null instead of throwing an exception.
  • ?= fetchedUser?.name: This is where the theoretical Safe Assignment Operator comes into play. The user name is assigned only if fetchedUser is not null or undefined and if it has a valid name property. Otherwise, the assignment fails and remains unchanged (the default value is Unknown user).

What's different from try/catch?

  • No explicit try/catchblock: No need to manually catch the error.
  • Safe assignment: With the Safe Assignment Operator, is updated only if fetchedUser?.name is a valid value. In case of an error or empty response, there is no risk of errors or unwanted assignments.
  • Cleaner code: No need to write explicit logic to check if fetchedUser or its fields are valid.

Potential Impact

If this proposal were adopted, it could have a major impact on JavaScript development, allowing for even more robust code and preventing errors arising from unsafe assignments or assignments that are inconsistent with logical requirements.

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