This tutorial will give you an example of laravel 9 pagination example blade. I explained simply about laravel 9 pagination bootstrap 5 example. This tutorial will give you a simple example of the laravel 9 pagination tailwind example. you will learn how to add pagination in laravel 9. So, let's follow a few steps to create an example of how to create pagination in laravel 9.
We know pagination is a primary requirement of each and every project. so if you are a beginner with laravel then you must know how to use pagination in laravel 9 and what is another function can use with laravel 9 pagination.
In this example, we will run the migration and create a "users" table. Then we will create dummy records using the tinker command. Then we will display that users with pagination. by default laravel pagination use Tailwind CSS design, we will use bootstrap 5 design for pagination here.
So, let's follow below tutorials:
Laravel 9 Step By Step Pagination Example Tutorial
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