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Python 101 - Ultimate Python Guide

Introduction To Modern Python

Python is an high level language, easy to learn but powerful as well. It uses the Object Oriented Programming approach. It can be used in a series of application such as application development, machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation and more.

Installation Process

It is simpler to use, and available for major operating system platforms such as Windows, Mac, Linux etc whose installation files can be found on Python download.

Download the installer file

This can be obtained from the python official site stated above. Ensure to download the latest stable version.

Run the installer

please ensure to check the box that says add python 3 x to path this ensures that the installer places the interpretor in an execution path.

Confirm installation

After the installation is complete, launch the command prompt on your PC and type python3 --version to ascertain the version of python that is been installed.

Write your first line of codes

Create a directory on the command prompt, create a file, launch the file in a text editor.

CMD File Creation

write your first line of code

message = "Hello World"


Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

to test these lines of code, return to your CMD and type python3 <filename>

There you go, your first python code running. Explore more and appreciate its wonders.

You should also know

The program can also be splitted into reusable forms called MODULES

Just like every other programming language, python uses the string, numeric, boolean, arays/list data types. using similar control flows such as if, elif(else if), while loop, for loops, functions and more. You can also use packages that can be imported directly into the code structure.

All python files saved into a text editor must end with the extension .py. There are a few interpreters that can be used alongside to test our code these includes; Jupyter notebook, Pycharm, Anaconda etc.

It is easily identified by this image
Python Logo

Please Note

When writing python codes, indentation is very important, else one may run into errors.

Follow this space for more.

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