DEV Community

Tanzim Ibthesam
Tanzim Ibthesam

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GitHub Co pilot,Ai and my thoughts

Thoughts on Github co Polit and such AI tools
Github Co Pilot have raised the dev community by storm and people are wandering will it replace their jobs?
Short answer is No.
But if this product becomes successful as such product will not be likely to be open source in future it might add a new dimension.
Its features are like if you have a form and you want Firebase or JWt authentication with react it might just generate lines of code with one or two lines of comment.

But we already have many opinionated frameworks tools that does similar kinda things?
Yup similar but here it will give you a feel of writing your own code with much less effort and productivity will increase a lot.

Do we still need developers than?
Of course. You need to know a language or library cause otherwise any random guy coding might get a code running but in long term it will be a problem. Since if there is a bug they will have a very hard time debugging it or making it tough to adjust with current requirements.

Since it has acess to so many codebases Will it get better?
It definitely will and there is the problem. But for custom requirements you need engineers you need problem solvers.
So where is the problem?
In many Companies many developers or interns who are junior a Company might not need so many of them. Perviously you needed 10 now you might get that done with 5-6 and many Companies will feel they want productivity and things done at a less cost.
Impact of Co Pilot and such automated tools
More tools might be created in future but its definitely an indication that industry is moving in that direction.Lets hope such products are not sucessful.

If its sucessful eventually in long run I feel Software development might lose its zest and appeal it will eventually start from big Companies and eventually there will be more competition in small business and Freelancing space as many people who loose their jobs will try to establish their mark there.

Besides less people will be willing to participate in bootcamps or be self taught. and people using it to learn development will be worse since they will just write line some comments and get the job done.
So whats the solution?
Learn developement like you are doing solve problems learn new tools. But if you can spent 5% of the time out of your schedule to learn a new skill it might be graphics,ui ux,video editing,making Yt videos,maybe investing in stocks or start a minmal grocery store such thing will give you more confidence.

Final thoughts
If one door closes other doors will be opened so dont worry its the survival of the fittest and only the fittest will survive. It might just be a fad and hype for short run

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