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Tanmay Agrawal
Tanmay Agrawal

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Polyfill in JavaScript

Polyfills are code snippets or libraries that provide modern functionality on older browsers that do not support that functionality natively. They essentially 'fill in' the gaps, allowing developers to use the latest features of JavaScript, CSS, or HTML, even on outdated or less capable browsers.

When a new feature is introduced in a programming language or a new API in the web browser, older browsers might not support it. In such cases, developers can use polyfills to emulate the missing features by detecting if a certain feature is missing and then providing a custom implementation to mimic the behavior of the missing feature.

Polyfills are often used to ensure that web applications behave consistently across different browsers and versions, allowing developers to use the latest web technologies without worrying about compatibility issues with older browsers.

For instance, if a developer wants to use a new JavaScript function that is not supported by older versions of Internet Explorer, they can include a polyfill that provides an equivalent implementation of that function, allowing it to work in those older browsers.

Popular examples of polyfills include those for new JavaScript features like Promises, Array methods (such as forEach, map, and filter), and newer browser APIs like the Fetch API or Web Components.

Polyfills have been crucial in enabling web developers to build applications that are compatible with a wide range of browsers, ensuring a consistent and reliable user experience regardless of the user's browser choice or version.

Here are a few examples of commonly used polyfills for different JavaScript features:

  1. Promises Polyfill:

    • Example: es6-promise is a popular polyfill for the ES6 Promise API, allowing developers to use promises in older browsers that do not support them natively.
  2. Array.prototype.find Polyfill:

    • Example: A polyfill for the Array.prototype.find method provides support for older browsers that lack this feature, enabling developers to use it for array searching even in environments where it is not supported.
if (!Array.prototype.find) {
  Array.prototype.find = function(callback) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      if (callback(this[i], i, this)) {
        return this[i];
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  1. Fetch API Polyfill:

    • Example: The whatwg-fetch polyfill provides a fetch API implementation for browsers that do not support it natively, allowing developers to make network requests using the fetch syntax in all browsers.
  2. Object.assign Polyfill:

    • Example: A polyfill for Object.assign enables developers to use object property assignment even in environments where the native Object.assign method is not available.
if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') {
  Object.assign = function(target) {
    if (target == null) {
      throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');

    target = Object(target);
    for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
      var source = arguments[index];
      if (source != null) {
        for (var key in source) {
          if (, key)) {
            target[key] = source[key];
    return target;
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These polyfills help ensure that newer JavaScript features and APIs can be used in older browsers, providing a consistent development experience across different environments.

To learn more !!

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