DEV Community

Discussion on: Which language to learn next..

tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani • Edited

I actually recommended Java

I believe the Java path is the best option

quinncuatro profile image
Henry Quinn

Word. To be honest, I just skimmed your comment.

Still, though, if they want to go down a web path, I wouldn't necessarily recommend Java. I'd say something like Python or RoR.

They can still keep on their web path while learning a language they can utilize in their day to day.

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tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani

Of course. I personally use Ruby/Sinatra for anything web related but I’m looking forward to using JRuby which is Ruby on the JVM.

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quinncuatro profile image
Henry Quinn • Edited

...JRuby which is Ruby on the JVM.

That actually sounds pretty neat.

However, if they're just trying to pick up a new language, it's a little harder to spin up a quick script with Java than it would be with Ruby. ;)

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tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani

You’re right. It’s unrelated but I always try to not recommend Ruby as first language because as much as I love it it might be a little too magic for beginners.

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quinncuatro profile image
Henry Quinn

If they're semi functional in JS and PHP, Ruby is a great step forward. Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial is a GREAT way to start to understand modern MVC paradigms.

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tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani

Yes, I always have the bad habit of transposing my own way of learning things onto other people.

The fact that @venatusdev was suggesting either C or Java led me to think that they wanted to dig into lower levels than PHP and Javascript.

I think we should wait until they give us more insights on where they’re headed to xD