DEV Community

Discussion on: How to write Bash one-liners for cloning and managing GitHub and GitLab repositories

tamouse profile image
Tamara Temple

Github has a utility called hub which provides the ability to create repos, fork them, create pull-requests, and few other things. It's meant to be a substituted for the git command since it implements all the git subcommands as well.

It's still not as cool as gitlab's "push-to-create"

dmitriz profile image
Dmitri Zaitsev

I have been using hub but didn't know that was possible.
But I have now tried and failed to get it working:

hub create
Error creating repository: Unauthorized (HTTP 401)
Bad credentials

Don't know if that is my hub version 2.2.9, and I can't get their latest version work, probably due to my old OSX, even though none of the errors said that.

No comparison with Gitlab in both convenience and usability, where there is no need to download anything.

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tamouse profile image
Tamara Temple

This is something I set up so long ago, I don't even remember what I did.

All props to Gitlab for making it painless