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How to make your first OSS contribution

About this article

This article is a summary of what I did for my first OSS contribution. 👟
I hope this article to be helpful for junior engineers who want to contribute to OSS but don't know what to do.


  • Correcting/translating documentation
  • Correcting/translating Tutorial

I believe it is a good idea to start with these areas.
There are rather many opportunities to correct minor mistakes and mistranslations in documents and tutorials that we use on a daily basis for work and study, if we are aware of them.
Why not start with a small contribution? 👍

The path I followed

Now, I will describe what I actually did after I decided to become an OSS contributor. 😤

1. Understand what OSS contributions are

First, I searched for information on how to contribute to OSS.
Among several articles I read, I recommend the following article because it was comprehensive about OSS contributions.

  • What is OSS Contribute and what is good about it
  • How OSS Contributions can be made
  • The structure of an open project
  • How to find projects to contribute to
  • Checklist before contributing

2. Practice the OSS contribution flow

I found a repository where you can practice the flow of OSS contributions, so I did it.

3. I joined a translation community

Mozilla Japan's community translates MDN into Japanese.
I have always been curious about it, so I joined.

I was a bit nervous about joining for the first time, but the onboarding materials were well-prepared and regular members helped me via Slack, so I was able to work on the translation without any problems.

By the way, here is the page I translated 😎.

It's a small contribution, but it made me feel proud to be able to contribute to MDN, which I use all the time ✨

4. Make minor corrections to the documentation that I encounter during my daily work and study

Once I made the first OSS contribution, I felt like the hurdle of OSS contribution was somehow lowered all the more. 🚀
From there, I made minor corrections to the documentation I encountered during my daily work and study, as well as corrections to translations.

Fixing translations of Japanese pages

Storybook Tutorial Japanese page translation corrections

Fixed sample code in Rollbar documentation
Fixes to the sample code in the Rollbar documentation rollbar-oss-contribute

In the future

Fixing documentation and translations is an important contribution, but I want to make technical contributions too!! 🧑🏻‍💻

When I encounter problems or improvements in the language or packages I use, I want to be proactive by raising an Issue or submitting a PR, rather than being passive. 💪

If you can't find it in your daily work, you can use the label good-first-issue to find issues for beginners. 🔰

Happy OSS Contribution! 🎉

The article is also available in Japanese:

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