DEV Community

Dr. Takeyuki Ueda
Dr. Takeyuki Ueda

Posted on

Why I can't get rid of the vuetify from my bundle?

I'm trying to reduce my vuetify application bundle size by using CDN and webpack externals.

My configration of vue.config.js is as follow:

module.exports = {
  "transpileDependencies": [
  chainWebpack: (config) => {
      firebase: 'firebase',
      'firebase/auth': 'firebase',
      firebaseui: 'firebaseui',
      vue: 'Vue',
      vuetify: 'Vuetify',
      'vuetify/lib': 'Vuetify',
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

But, Vuetify/lib is still remained as follow:
Alt Text

Ah, I've exhausted the effort of googling…

Do you have any idea? Any pointing, suggestion and opinion is so welcome! Thank you!

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Dr. Takeyuki Ueda

Finally, I've received following answer.

Thank you, Allan!