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Discussion on: What helps build developer confidence?

tacomanick profile image
Nick Shattuck

I actually just looked at an old project I built last term at school, and while it isn't much to gauk at professionally, it reminds me that at one point, I never thought I could build it. Now I am writing code that connects to a SQL database, designing GUIs, and writing Java with the confidence that I can do this.
When I try to instill confidence in others, I like to learn what they know by getting them to explain to me what they're stuck on. My purpose is to show them that they likely understand more than they think they do but aren't progressing because they're stuck thinking they'll never progress. It usually gets the gears turning in their minds or at least gives them some pep talk.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Looking back on old things is a big big big one for me. Just thinking about where I used to be and how far I've come since then is always a big one.

mabla0531 profile image
Matthew Bland

One main thing I realized one day when I was struggling with learning c++ data structures is how long I went practicing c++ without even knowing what a pointer was (this was junior high and early high school). It's interesting to realize how easy the concept is and yet how hard I thought it was back then.

andrekelvin profile image

Totally agree