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TYPO3 Multisite: How, When, and Why?

TYPO3 being an ultimate CMS holds the potential to scale from single to multiple TYPO3 websites aka TYPO3 multisite within a single instance, without settling on security, execution, or user efficiency in the front or backend

If your existing TYPO3 sites have a few things in common, or it calls for TYPO3 subsites then you might be wishing for a better way to run them than managing your TYPO3 them as single installs? Definitely TYPO3 Multisite could be what you’re looking for. It lets you create a network on your TYPO3 installation, meaning that you can then run as many sites as you want in that network, all on one instance of TYPO3 in order to create a more efficient workflow.

In this article, I’ll guide you through everything you need to know to install TYPO3 Multisite, TYPO3 Multisite domains, it’s benefits, and in which cases you should go for multisite TYPO3 websites supported by some important case studies.

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