DEV Community

Discussion on: The "Fake Developer" Conundrum

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SyntaxSeed (Sherri W) • Edited

Many people suffer from something called Imposter Syndrome, which is very common among developers & other careers where things are constantly changing & we have to be constantly learning.

Even professionals who have been doing it for decades can struggle with it. Even some famously brilliant people!

Reading a bit about this might help you.

But you aren't fake - you are new. We have all been there. I remember completing a 4 year CS degree & thinking I was pretty skilled ... only to learn that what you do in a job is very different from school. And you can even master one job then go work at a new company & be totally lost & out of your element.

Some of this feeling will fade with experience & time. Some of it won't. Don't think of your career as a developer as a path to mastery. You aren't climbing a mountain to some elite status of expert. Instead you will ride a wave of increasing knowledge , skill & confidence, then technology will change or your job or your life situation. You'll find yourself having to learn a new tech or language, or new way of using your current language or a new company process, or a new challenging problem....

See the pattern here? You will always be new at something, always learning.

Cut yourself a break & stop trying to measure up to some imaginary level & just enjoy the new challenges & welcome opportunities to be out of your element.

It's never boring. :)

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Henry 👨‍💻

Thanks so much for your insightful reply, I'm glad to know that what I'm feeling isn't uncommon. Also, this blog post was originally titled "Developer Impostor Syndrome" until I changed it to what I thought was a snappier title haha.