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Top 15 Animation Libraries for React & Modern Javascript Apps

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Animations can take your web applications from good to great by making them more engaging and interactive. They provide visual feedback, guide users through the interface, and add a touch of personality to your projects.

There are a lot of animation libraries from simple, CSS-based libraries to powerful JavaScript libraries capable of creating complex animations. In this article, we’re diving into the top 15 animation libraries for React and modern web apps.

From the well-known React Spring and Framer Motion to specialized libraries like Vivus and Three.js, you'll find something here to make your web projects shine. Let's explore these libraries and see how they can transform your website user experience!

Animation Libraries for General Use cases

1. Animate.css - CSS Animation


Animate.css is a popular CSS library that provides a wide range of pre-defined animations, making it easy to apply animations to any web project. With over 80.2k stars on GitHub and millions of npm downloads, Animate.css is a go-to choice for quick and simple animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install animate.css
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import 'animate.css';
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<div class="animate__animated animate__bounce">An animated element</div>
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Best Use Case

Animate.css is best suited for simple animations that need to be implemented quickly without the need for JavaScript.


Easy to use, lightweight, large variety of animations.


Limited to CSS animations, less control over animation behavior.

2. React Spring

React Spring

React Spring is a popular animation library for React, providing a powerful and flexible way to create animations based on spring physics. It has over 27.8k stars on GitHub and is widely used in the community.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install @react-spring/web
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import React from 'react';
import { useSpring, animated } from '@react-spring/web';

const App = () => {
    const springs = useSpring({
        from: { x: 0 },
        to: { x: 100 }

    return (
                width: 80,
                height: 80,
                background: '#ff6d6d',
                borderRadius: 8

export default App;
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Best Use Case

Creating complex animations with fine-tuned control over transitions and interactions.


Highly flexible, supports advanced animations, good community support.


Learning curve can be steep for beginners.

3. Framer Motion

Framer Motion

Framer Motion is a powerful animation library known for its ease of use and comprehensive features. It has over 22.8k stars on GitHub and is widely praised for its intuitive API.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install framer-motion
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import React from 'react';
import { motion } from 'framer-motion';

const App = () => {
    return (
        <motion.div initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} transition={{ duration: 1 }}>
            Hello, Framer Motion!

export default App;
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Best Use Case

Creating smooth and visually appealing animations with minimal code.


Intuitive API, supports keyframe animations, great documentation.


Slightly larger bundle size compared to other libraries.

4. Anime.js


Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a powerful API. It has over 49.2k stars on GitHub and is widely used for creating complex and highly customizable animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install animejs
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import anime from 'animejs/lib/';

    targets: 'div',
    translateX: 250,
    rotate: '1turn',
    duration: 800
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Best Use Case

Creating intricate and detailed animations with precise control.


Lightweight, versatile, highly customizable.


Requires JavaScript knowledge, can be complex for simple animations.

5. GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)


GSAP is a powerful JavaScript animation library known for its high performance and rich feature set. It has over 19.2k stars on GitHub and is widely used in both web and mobile applications.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install gsap
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import { gsap } from 'gsap';'.box', { rotation: 27, x: 100, duration: 1 });
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Best Use Case

High-performance animations and complex sequences.


Extremely powerful, robust, high performance.


Larger bundle size, requires learning time.

6. Popmotion

Popmotion is a functional, flexible JavaScript animation library. It powers the animations in Framer Motion. It has over 19.9k stars on GitHub and offers a range of tools for creating animations and interactions.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install popmotion
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import { animate } from 'popmotion';

    from: 0,
    to: 100,
    onUpdate: (latest) => {
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Best Use Case

Creating low-level, complex interactions and highly customizable animations.


Functional API, flexible, scalable and tiny bundle.


Can be complex for simple use cases.

7. Mo.js


Mo.js is a motion graphics toolbelt for the web. It has over 18.3k stars on GitHub and offers a variety of tools for creating animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install @mojs/core
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import { Mojs } from '@mojs/core';

const bouncyCircle = new mojs.Shape({
    parent: '#bouncyCircle',
    shape: 'circle',
    fill: { '#F64040': '#FC46AD' },
    radius: { 20: 80 },
    duration: 2000,
    isYoyo: true,
    isShowStart: true,
    easing: 'elastic.inout',
    repeat: 1
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Best Use Case

Creating complex motion graphics and animations.


Versatile, powerful, great for motion graphics.


Steeper learning curve, larger bundle size.

Animation Libraries for Specific Use cases

8. Remotion - Generate Animation Video with React


Remotion allows you to create videos programmatically using React. It's a unique library with over 19.6k stars on GitHub, enabling developers to leverage React's power for video content creation.

Installation and Basic Usage

# new project
npx create-video@latest

# install to existing project
npm i --save-exact remotion@4.0.181 @remotion/cli@4.0.181
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export const MyComposition = () => {
    return null;
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import React from 'react';
import {Composition} from 'remotion';
import {MyComposition} from './Composition';
export const RemotionRoot: React.FC = () => {
  return (
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import { registerRoot } from 'remotion';
import { RemotionRoot } from './Root';
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Best Use Case

Programmatically generating videos using React.


Unique functionality, leverages React skills, powerful video creation capabilities.


Niche use case, can be complex for beginners.

9. Vivus - SVG Drawing Animation


Vivus is a lightweight JavaScript library for animating SVGs. With over 15.1k stars on GitHub, it's a great choice for creating SVG animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install vivus
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import Vivus from 'vivus';

new Vivus(
        type: 'delayed',
        duration: 200,
        animTimingFunction: Vivus.EASE

// svg
<object id='my-svg' type='image/svg+xml' data='link/to/my.svg'></object>;
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Best Use Case

Creating drawing animations for SVGs.


Lightweight, specialized for SVGs, easy to use.


Limited to SVGs, not suitable for other types of animations.

10. Lottie for Web - Render After Effects Animations


Lottie is a library for rendering animations created in Adobe After Effects. With over 29.9k stars on GitHub, it's widely used for integrating complex animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install lottie-web
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import lottie from 'lottie-web';
import animationData from './animation.json';

    container: document.getElementById('animation'),
    renderer: 'svg',
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: animationData
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Best Use Case

Integrating animations created in After Effects.


High-quality animations, integrates well with After Effects.


Requires After Effects for animation creation, larger files.

11. ScrollReveal


ScrollReveal is a JavaScript library for easily animating elements as they enter or leave the viewport. With over 22.2k stars on GitHub, it's perfect for scroll-based animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install scrollreveal
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import ScrollReveal from 'scrollreveal';

ScrollReveal().reveal('.box', { delay: 500 });
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<h1 class="headline">Widget Inc.</h1>
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Best Use Case

Adding scroll-based reveal animations.


Easy to use, lightweight, great for scroll animations


Limited to scroll-based animations.

12. ScrollMagic


ScrollMagic is a library for creating scroll interactions and animations. With over 14.8k stars on GitHub, it offers a robust way to handle scroll-based animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install scrollmagic
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import ScrollMagic from 'scrollmagic';

const controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();

// create a scene
new ScrollMagic.Scene({
    duration: 100, // the scene should last for a scroll distance of 100px
    offset: 50 // start this scene after scrolling for 50px
    .setPin('#my-sticky-element') // pins the element for the the scene's duration
    .addTo(controller); // assign the scene to the controller
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Best Use Case

Creating complex scroll interactions and animations.


Powerful, flexible, integrates well with GSAP.


Can be complex for simple animations, larger bundle size.

13. Typed.js


Typed.js is a JavaScript library that types out text, making it look like it's being typed by a human. With over 15.1k stars on GitHub, it's great for adding typing animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install typed.js
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import Typed from 'typed.js';

const typed = new Typed('#element', {
    strings: ['<i>First</i> sentence.', '&amp; a second sentence.'],
    typeSpeed: 50
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Best Use Case

Creating typing animations for text.


Easy to use, lightweight, great for typing effects.


Limited to typing animations, less flexibility.

Advanced Animation Libraries

14. Three.js - Advanced JavaScript 3D Library


Three.js is a powerful 3D library for JavaScript, allowing you to create complex 3D animations and visualizations. With over 101k stars on GitHub, it's widely used for 3D web applications.

Installation and Basic Usage

npm install three
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import * as THREE from 'three';

const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);

const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
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Best Use Case

Creating advanced 3D animations and visualizations.


Extremely powerful, vast community, supports complex 3D scenes.


Steep learning curve, larger bundle size.

15. Theatre.js


Theatre.js is an advanced animation library for creating and controlling animations programmatically. With over 11k stars on GitHub, it provides a timeline-based approach for animations.

Installation and Basic Usage

# r3f and its dependencies
npm install --save react three @react-three/fiber

# Theatre.js
npm install --save @theatre/core@0.5 @theatre/studio@0.5 @theatre/r3f@0.5

# Three.js types (when using Typescript)
npm install --save-dev @types/three
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import * as THREE from 'three'
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'
import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { Canvas, useFrame } from '@react-three/fiber'
import { getProject } from '@theatre/core'

// our Theatre.js project sheet, we'll use this later
const demoSheet = getProject('Demo Project').sheet('Demo Sheet')

const App = () => {
  return (
        position: [5, 5, -5],
        fov: 75,
      <ambientLight />
      <pointLight position={[10, 10, 10]} />
        <boxGeometry args={[1, 1, 1]} />
        <meshStandardMaterial color="orange" />

createRoot(document.getElementById('root')!).render(<App />)
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Best Use Case

Creating timeline-based animations with fine control.


Powerful timeline controls, precise animation sequences.


Newer library, smaller community, complex for beginners.


Choosing the right animation library depends on your project's needs and complexity. If you're looking for simple, quick animations, CSS-based libraries like Animate.css are ideal. For more complex interactions and high-performance needs, consider powerful libraries like GSAP or Three.js.

Each library has its strengths, so evaluate them based on factors like ease of use, community support, and the specific features you require. You can start experimenting with these top animation libraries before implementing it to your project.

Do you have other libraries worth mentioning? dont hesitate to share them in the comment below!.
If you found this post helpful, share it with your fellow developers and explore more tutorials on this website.

Thank you. Have a good day!

Top comments (22)

syakirurahman profile image

This post got more views than my previous post, but no single comment :')

scorcism profile image
Abhishek Pathak

you got one 🌻

syakirurahman profile image

Thank you, you are the savior! πŸ˜‚

cristopher_b824b75a6e8ef8 profile image

I can feel your pain. So here I am. I don’t have any burger for you but the comment is here> Thank you for sharing this post. Some tools are really cool!

harimanok profile image
Hari Lamichhane

Amazing read!

We are developing this open-source project to save developer’s time by building copy-paste animated components like shadcn/ui. It’d be cool if you guys have a look!


syakirurahman profile image
Syakir • Edited

I just looked into it, and gave it a star. Really cool project. Surely it add more options for animation libraries. Thanks for sharing, Hari. Keep up the good work!.

harimanok profile image
Hari Lamichhane

Will do! thank you.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

I love it! I might use it on some projects soon.

leob profile image
leob • Edited

Great article - not just your average "listicle", but code examples, context, pros and cons, even some guidance on how to choose a lib - compare this for example to which provides none of that (only a list, minimal descriptions, no context) ...

Kudos, you've really put in the work, this is the kind of content we want to see on (well I do, at least) !

syakirurahman profile image

Thanks for your kind words!
Although you dont have to compare it to other similar article πŸ˜…

leob profile image

Well I don't have to ... but it's the truth :D

annavi11arrea1 profile image
Anna Villarreal

three.js is sick

syakirurahman profile image

Have you tried it in real project? I would like to know because it looks intimidating for beginners πŸ˜‚

guttenbergovitz profile image

you mean :: Awesome?

alyouma_akmal_5a4d549d061 profile image
alyouma akmal

If you react JS user, i recomended try framer-motion.

syakirurahman profile image

Yeah, framer motion is great!

dusty_sameer profile image
D Sameer

Awesome read Muhammad ✨ got to know.

syakirurahman profile image

Thanks, hope it helps 😁

fabiospoto profile image
Fabio Spoto

Wow! Thank you so much for this :)

hieungocnguyen profile image
Hieu Nguyen

Good list. Thank you

syakirurahman profile image

No problem. Happy to help

adebimpe_adetomiwa profile image
Adebimpe Adetomiwa

Good read