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My 2021 New Mac Setup

I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.

Unlike Mina Markham, I choose not to automate my setup because I only do it about once a year and I want the ability to make conscious changes each time.

I previously tracked my new mac setup in an old version of this page from 2018-2020.

1hr Video Walkthrough

OS/Browser Settings

Setup Terminal

  • Copy my dotfiles (vimrc, zshrc, .gitignore_global):
  • Install ZSH (first usage of git will prompt you to install git - takes 15 minutes)

    • git config --global init.defaultBranch main
    • git config --global "swyx"
    • git config --global

  • Hyper Terminal

    • settings: shell: '/bin/zsh'
    • settings: fontFamily: '"Inconsolata for Powerline", Menlo, "DejaVu Sans Mono", Consolas, "Lucida Console", monospace',
    • Fig - context-aware autocomplete for terminal. Waitlisted now, but you can skip the waitlist here (i get nothing from this)
      • More CLI tools recommended by Brendan Faik (founder of Fig) - bat, exa, ripgrep, and other Rust CLI alternatives. Also zsh abbreviations
      • More CLI tools from Earthly - HN here
        • broot - a better tree
        • funky - simple shell functions
        • fzf - fuzzy finder
        • mcfly - guesses commands based on your history
        • zoxide - a better cd
        • gitupdate - use file names to create a more meaningful commit message

Set up apps/environments

  • Install Homebrew - /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    i have a bunch more stuff in brew list but i'm not sure what i use actively. You can mass install these: brew install $(cat packages.txt)

    bat             gdbm            libuv           python@3.9
    brotli          gh              libyaml         readline
    c-ares          go              mpdecimal       ruby
    deno            gradle          nghttp2         sqlite
    diff-so-fancy   icu4c           node            xz
    fnm             jemalloc        openjdk         yarn
    fzf             libev           openssl@1.1     z
  • brew update on m1's have turned out to be super annoying. this helped me: arch -x86_64 brew install YOUR_PACKAGE

  • brew install bat

  • Github CLI: brew install github/gh/gh

    • you need to login to git - if you have 2fa enabled, you cant use your normal github password. try pushing to a repo and enter in a Personal Access Token for password.
    • then run gh auth login
    • add GitHub SSH key (not optional)
  • brew install fzf - fuzzy finder - usage example is here

  • brew install node

    • Node.js/NPM
    • npm login
    • npm config set loglevel
    • sudo npm install netlify-cli -g
    • npm i -g sign-bunny fortune-node parrotsay
    • npm install -g undollar for removing $
    • sudo npm install -g trash-cli
  • brew install yarn --ignore-dependencies - yarn note

  • you may need to work around Mac OS Sierra

  • brew install z - REALLY GOOD TRY IT

  • Misc

Setup Apps

Other good "new laptop setup" lists:

Top comments (12)

fhiegel profile image
Fabien Hiegel

Thank you for the share !

I have some other tools I prefers :

I use SdkMan ( for install java, and managing my different java versions

I use "Rectangle" instead of "Spectacle" for managing windows, installed from brew

brew install --cask rectangle
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I use "CopyQ" instead of "clippy-app" for clipboard manager

brew install --cask copyq
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Note : the link to your dotfiles gists, is pointing to a Notions workspace
Note2 : thank you for all your "Learn In Public" resources

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Nice Shawn!

Very complete list, took some inspiration from this as I'm currently building a new brew formula to do most of this for me when I'm reinstalling my Mac again.

Also going to give Z a shot πŸ‘

horacioh profile image
Horacio Herrera

I use a dotfile to setup almost everything!

there are a lot of people with this mode, you can search for repos named β€œdotfiles”

preslavrachev profile image
Preslav Rachev

That's a nice one. I have recently started my own long-term project in the same direction. I am collecting about a decade of knowledge and insider tips into a (won't call it a book yet) scrapbook of sorts. I have released a very early version of on Gumroad: Anyone generous enough to back my little project at this stage will enjoy its full value over time. Thanks!

trimud profile image
Yuriy Boev

Why do you need another app for clipboard history when you have this built in in Alfred already?

trimud profile image
Yuriy Boev

Why do you need another app for clipboard history when you have this built in in Alfred already?

bramus profile image

To automate (most of) these steps I created that does the job for me. Might need a few tweaks to continue working with the latest macOS/etc versions.

swyx profile image

looks very handy! thx for sharing!

brucebentley profile image
Bruce Bentley

Do you have all of this configured in a dotfiles repo somewhere?

trimud profile image
Yuriy Boev

Why do you need another app for clipboard history when you have this built in in Alfred already?

trimud profile image
Yuriy Boev

Why do you need another app for clipboard history when you have this built in in Alfred already?

bill_magnet profile image
Bill Manget

Cant believe I just spent one hour watching this dude install bunch of stuff.. Seems like wathcing someone install uBlock Origin is my new drug :) Great video nonetheless!