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How to improve the hiring process in tech industry?

SwissGreg on December 02, 2019

Dear developers👩‍💻, recruiters🕵 and companies🏢, I am a software developer. In the last few months I have been in the process of looking for a ne...
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Erica Austin

Fair enough. As a "headhunter" recruiter, I hate the text-book questions and scripts that have been "proven successful". Bullshit. I threw that out on day one and still refuse to utilize that process. Tech Recruiting is broken because recruiters are not spending time to UNDERSTAND the roles, requirements, languages, databases, etc. I apologize to all the techies out there getting contacted for the 5th time for a position that is opposite of the candidates' role and skillsets currently. Maybe one day it can restructure, but in the meantime, I hope you find that badass recruiter in Poland who can be of use to you.


pirxdanford profile image
Clemens Scholz

Hi, as someone having participated and participating on both sides of that table: If an interview starts to feel like a real talk, the process and pressure are not noticeable anymore and all participants feel like they are learning something and enjoy sharing past experiences - then it is really going well! If the process is the main focus, then something is going very wrong.

georgefulgeanu profile image
George Fulgeanu

Only one annoyance listed, no real solution and no reason why you turned down other firms.

swissgreg profile image

Hi George, this is a series of posts - in each of them I am tackling one of the things that could/should be improved :)