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Parking Lot (Low Level Design)

Problem definition

A parking lot is a designated area for parking vehicles and is a feature found in almost all popular venues such as shopping malls, sports stadiums, offices, etc.

In a parking lot, there are a different parking spots available for different types of vehicles. Each of these spots is charged according to the time the vehicle has been parked in the parking lot. The parking time is tracked with a parking ticket issued to the vehicle at the entrance of the parking lot. Once the vehicle is ready to exit, it can pay at the exit gate using a card, card or UPI payment method.


  1. Parking Lot should have multiple floors
  2. Parking Lot should have multiple entry and exit gates
  3. It should support parking of multiple vehicles- two, four, heavy
  4. Ticket must be generated at entry gate
  5. Payment should be done at exit gate through different modes- cash, card, upi
  6. Payment can be done on hourly or minute basis.
  7. Parking Space must be allocated close to the entrance gate of vehicle

Objects Required

  1. Vehicle
  2. Parking Lot
  3. Floor
  4. Parking Space- two-wheeler, four-wheeler, heavy-vehicle
  5. Entry Gate
  6. Exit Gate
  7. GateManager
  8. Ticket
  9. Payment
  10. Payment Strategy

UML CLass Diagram

class Vehicle
    int regNum;
    VehicleType vType;

    //define getter and setter in each class
public enum VehicleType
class ParkingSpace
    int spaceId;
    int floorId;
    Vehicle vehicle;
    int price;
    boolean isEmpty;

    public void parkVehicle(Vehicle v)
        isEmpty= false;
        vehicle= v; 
    public void removeVehicle()
        vehicle= null;
        isEmpty= True;
class TwoWheelerSpace extends ParkingSpace
    int price= 10;
class FourWheelerSpace extends ParkingSpace
    int price= 20;
class HeavyVehicleSpace extends ParkingSpace
    int price= 40;
class Floor
    int floorId;
    boolean isEmpty;
    List<ParkingSpace> pSpaces;

    public void addParkingSpace(ParkingSpace p){}
    public void removeParkingSpace(ParkingSpace p){}

class PakingSpaceFactory
    ParkingSpace pSpace;
    public ParkingSpace getParkingSpace(Vehicle v)
        //return object of TwoWheelerSpace or FourWheeler based on VehicleType
class ParkingLot
    List<Floor> floorList; //initialized in constructor
    ParkingSpaceFactory pSpaceFact;

    public void addFloor(Floor f, List<ParkingSpace> p){}
    public void removeFloor(Floor f){}
    public ParkingSpace findParkingSpace(EntryGate entry, Vehicle v)
        //Parking space found on the basis of type of vehicle using ParkingSpace Factory class
        //Parking space is found close to entry gate
class GateManager
    List<EntryGate> entries;
    List<ExitGate> exits;

    public void addEntryGate(EntryGate entry){}
    public void removeEntryGate(EntryGate entry){}
    public void addExitGate(ExitGate exit){}
    public void removeExitGate(ExitGate exit){}

class EntryGate 
    int gateid;
    ParkingLot pLot;

    public Vehicle getVehicle(Vehicle v){}
    public ParkingSpace findSpace(){
        //uses object of parkingLot to find Space
    public void updateParkingSpace(ParkingSpace pSpace){}
    public Ticket generateTicket(){}
class Ticket
    int ticketId;
    Date today;
    Time entryTime;
    Time exitTime;
    Vehicle v;
    ParkingSpace pSpace;

    public void getExitTime(Time time){}

class PaymentInfo
    int transactionId;
    double amount;
    Date date;
    Ticket ticket;
    PaymentType pType;
    PaymentStrategy pStrategy;

public enum PaymentType
class ExitGate
    int gateId;
    Ticket t;

    public double calculatePrice(PaymentStrategy pStrategy)
        return pStrategy* calculateCost();
    public PaymentInfo generatePaymentInfo(PaymentType pType){}
    public void freeParkingSpace(){}
class PaymentStrategy
    public double calculateCost(){}

class HourlyPaymentStrategy extends PaymentStrategy
    public double calculateCost(Ticket t)
        double parkedTime=(Currenttime- t.entryTime); // convert to hours
        return parkedTime * t.pSpace.price; 
class MinutesPaymentStrategy extends PaymentStrategy
    public double calculateCost(Ticket t)
        double parkedTime=(Currenttime- t.entryTime); // convert to minutes
        return parkedTime * t.pSpace.price; 
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