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Create your own card with Google

Swastika Yadav on August 13, 2020

Google India introduced the people's card on Google Search. So, now instead of showing your business card just ask them to search you on Google. ...
arturssmirnovs profile image
Arturs Smirnovs

Interesting cool feature..
Just sad that available only in India, was trying VPN but no luck guess google know's that i'm not in india :D

Here is direct link, somebody can try this..

tarise profile image

I was able to successfully edit my card on a VPN but when I went back later, I couldn't.

swastika0015 profile image
Swastika Yadav

Yeah, for now it's in India. Hope it releases in other places too.

naveenjujaray profile image
Naveen Jujaray

I think Google will review your card then it will allow it on their search results... I've created this card way before Google released and I created it again.

swastika0015 profile image
Swastika Yadav

No, I don't think it's like that. Mine is working completely fine.
And how did you created the card before Google released it?

naveenjujaray profile image
Naveen Jujaray

Same as search for add me to search then fill it up and save.

naveenjujaray profile image
Naveen Jujaray

I've done it and when I search on other device for my name no card is showing up.

swastika0015 profile image
Swastika Yadav

The names are case sensitive and try to scroll a bit further. You might be appearing in the 'People' section.

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Nice, But Your card is not visible in google ?

swastika0015 profile image
Swastika Yadav

It is visible. Scroll a bit more, maybe it is appearing in people section.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

So cool, really wished they roll this out to more countries soon :D

swastika0015 profile image
Swastika Yadav

I hope so:)

salehmdev profile image
Mohamed Saleh

Pretty cool, but not sure how useful it is for someone with a common name

swastika0015 profile image
Swastika Yadav

Maybe, but for now there are not many people with the card.

swastika0015 profile image
Swastika Yadav

Obviously, it can't completely replace the business card as of now. But has some advantages for sure.

akashgiri profile image
Akash Giri

Hi, thanks for this. Although my website shows up at the top (at least till this date) but having a card will be helpful as well.
I didn't know about this.