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History and evolution of JavaScript.

JavaScript was created to be used on the client/users sides of website's, aiding in the addition of interactive and dynamic components to websites with html and styling from CSS or static html text.
JavaScript gained popularity during the first few years it was developed and introduced as it was used to develop a wide range of applications such as online games, form validation e.t.c.

Over the years JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming language worldwide, it is also used in the creation of desktop and mobile applications, programming of robots and creation of server-side app.

   **Brief history of JavaScript**
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JavaScript was created in the year "1995" under ten days by "Brendan rich". The programming language was first called ""MOCHA" later on "livescript" and now "JAVASCRIPT". It was developed for _Netscape 2, _which was then the most popular browser, later on Netscape handed "JS" over to "ECMA" where it can be called "ECMA-script". Internet Explorer was the first browser to support ES edition 1.

**Evolution of JavaScript**
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After Netscape handed JavaScript to "ECMA", the Mozilla foundation/group continued to develop JavaScript for the Firefox browser which brought about new features and syntax.

"Var keyword" it is used to declare a variable which can later be changed in the code. Es 6(2015) brought about two new keywords "let& const".

  • Let can be compared to var because it also offers block scope variables.

  • Const is used to declare a variable which can't be changed.

  • Functions are objects in JavaScript which can be assigned to a variable, used as arguments and can have value returned from them,
    Function syntax=
    " Function name(paramus){


With the use of JavaScript you can add features improve the speed, enhance the performance add functionalities, improve usability to web applications.

You can start using JavaScript by declaring a variable using
" Let, var, const ".

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