DEV Community

Surya Karthik
Surya Karthik

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As a new developer in the field...

Q: What is confusing about platforms?
A: I think the most confusing aspect of working with different platforms is the numerous ways a user has to learn to complete the same task.
Q: How could web components and VanillaJS standards be taught in a way that is more approachable?
A: I think the best way to teach beginners about web components and VanillaJS is to start with the basics of HTML, CSS, JS and understanding how these work together. Another important method would be to allow beginners to experiment on their own with the settings and the syntax. Showing live examples and uses of web components could also be beneficial.

Q: What did you find easiest to work with on 1st stab?
A: When I first started to work in JS, I found the syntax and the layout of the code to be very similar to Java, which I had previous experience in.

Q: What additional readings did you have to do in order to make sense of things.
A: I remember looking up a lot of the differences between the libraries and frameworks. The MDN web docs also provided valuable information about some key concepts such as Shadow DOM.

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