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Saunak Surani
Saunak Surani

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Part 1: Getting Started with Docker and Make File Creation for GoLang RestAPI Project

Modern software development often relies on containerization for efficient deployment and scalability. Docker, a popular containerization platform, streamlines the process of creating, deploying, and running applications in isolated environments. In this article, we'll delve into setting up Docker and creating Make files to automate various tasks in a GoLang RestAPI project.

Section 1: Understanding Docker and Containerization

Containerization encapsulates an application along with its dependencies, libraries, and configuration in an isolated environment called a container. Docker simplifies this process, allowing developers to package an application and its dependencies into a single container image, which can then be deployed consistently across different environments.

Section 2: Installing Docker

To install Docker, follow these steps based on your operating system:

  • For Windows: Download and install Docker Desktop.
  • For macOS: Download and install Docker Desktop.
  • For Linux: Follow the instructions on the official Docker documentation.

Section 3: Creating a GoLang RestAPI Project

Set up a GoLang RestAPI project using your preferred project structure. You can use tools like go mod to manage dependencies. Create the basic project structure and set up your main GoLang file to start the server.

Section 4: Automating Tasks with Make Files

Make files provide a way to define tasks and automate processes in a project. Create a Makefile in your project directory to define common tasks like building the project, running tests, and cleaning up.

Example of a Makefile:

    go build -o app

    go test ./...

    go test -tags=integration ./...

    rm -f app
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With the Makefile in place, you can run tasks using the make command, such as make build, make test-unit, and make clean.

Section 5: Conclusion

By setting up Docker and creating Make files in your GoLang RestAPI project, you've paved the way for efficient development and automation. Docker containerization ensures consistency across different environments, while Make files streamline common tasks. In the next article, we'll explore how to integrate MariaDB into your GoLang RestAPI project.

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