DEV Community

Gabriela Muñoz
Gabriela Muñoz

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I lost my job, I am depressed.

On June 30 I lost my job. I couldn’t understand what happened.

As you know, I loved my job and I really enjoyed being part of the startup. I joined in 2020. I worked there for 2 years. I spent a lot of time working there, and I learned so much. Well, my status passed to unemployed. In the beginning I felt fine because I was exhausted. I had burnout. In the last months, my body was very tired.

I overslept for months, I didn’t go out, I didn’t talk with my parents and friends.
I was sad, and I felt humiliated because I didn’t know how to explain to my family that I lost my job. It was a failure for myself. But, one day, I decided to call my mom and tell her the situation. My family supported me, but they didn’t understand what happened, and they asked me “What are you doing now? I was like, I have no idea.

Then, I started looking for a new job. It was hard for me. I hadn’t done interviews in the past two years. With help from some friends, I started with my CV and I made a basic portfolio. Special thanks to Caro La Reclu IT because she was the first person to help me in this process.

Well, I began with interviews and I noticed my abilities and knowledge were not enough for the market. I improved myself and the way I took the interviews. I applied to many companies.I had the first and second interviews, but I didn’t continue in the process. That made me feel inadequate.

One day I saw this screenshot. I made it when I was practicing an English interview. At this moment I saw myself sad, tired, frustrated and depressed. I accept that I was depressed because I lost my job. It was a huge part of my day. I couldn’t see my team. I missed my daily routine.

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Sometimes for me, it is impossible to wake up. In the last few months, my psychiatric treatment has changed every month, because I need energy to do my activities. My chairs have tons of clothes because I don’t have energy to organize. I’m trying to go out with friends and family. I’m trying to cook, not always healthy, but I eat something. I’m trying to play with my pet. She makes me happy.

Not only that, but I’m trying to forget that I lost my job, and I am worthwhile as a person. My heart is still broken. I am not sure when I will feel better. I do what I can to feel good and be happy.

Finally, I learned some key points. It’s ok if I:

  • Feel sad because I lost my job.
  • Do nothing because I don’t have energy.
  • Don’t clean my apartment.
  • Cry during the day.
  • Feel lost.

I continue with therapy and my psychiatric treatment. I can do more activities than in the past months. I went to Mexico City on vacation. This helped me to feel better. I’ve started smiling once again.

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If you read the whole thing, thank you for your time. I am working to be my best.
Thank you, Technolatinas, friends and mentors that help me in this difficult moment.

Latest comments (43)

anub profile image

I'm with you .

mark_cwetna_84d81584bbab8 profile image
Mark Cwetna

Think of this as an opportunity to grow yourself and find something even better. This has happened to all of us at times in our career. I know it feels hard but trust in yourself

mistmoore profile image
Pedro Fortes Gallego

Mark these words, dealing with failures is a very important part of the process. In a year, you Will realize that this experience Will be part of your future success.

danielykpan profile image
Daneil Pan

Thanks for sharing your story. I am glad you feeling better now. Just hang it there, and good things would eventually come!!!

askiebaby profile image
Askie Lin

Thank you for your sharing! It's really hard times.
Strong girl ☺️ I wish you all the best! Best wishes from Taiwan.

k8hansen profile image
Kate Hansen

Thank you so much for writing this. I know we have all felt like this at one time or another, and its so helpful to feel less alone!

karawell profile image

Thanks for sharing your feelings, I really understand how difficult this fact it is.
I wish the all the best for you.

geminii profile image

Terribly hard to accept and i really understand. I feel the exact same thing few months ago.
3 months on an company, no feedbacks. All is good and finally nothing was good then bye bye …
It’s a sad moment but you will pass it and start new experience soon 💪
Keep it in your head and stay positive 🙏

sheilagomes profile image
Sheila Gomes

I'm sorry you had to go through this. I've been there, but each experience is unique and I appreciate all your effort, including writing this. Reading about other people's experience has helped me build my confidence in tough times, and writing about my own tough times helped me see things from a distance and appraise the situation so as to understand myself and my career choices better. I hope it does something similar to you. May this process bring you learning and fruitful journeys ahead. If you want to connect here or in Linkedin, or even talk in private, please feel free to send a message.

faaktap profile image
Fakie Tap

Hi Gab.
Feel for you. I felt the same when I went on retirement. So look at the brightside.. You now know what to expect when you retire.

I love programming, but couldn't consentrate. Doctor gave me a mild antidepressant and since then I've been learning new frameworks and exploring all the wonders of coding!
My solution would be to try to build some small project. Ie.:A grocery list.

charly01082 profile image
Tracy Petit

My heart goes out to you hun! I’m not there yet, but I’m sure it could happen easily in this competitive market. You’re a strong, intelligent woman and don’t you ever forget that. Jobs don’t define us…ever. 🤗

wadecodez profile image
Wade Zimmerman

Losing a job is traumatic. Was super depressed after I got fired. I felt like a complete failure. Oddly enough, in hindsight, going to a bunch of interviews was therapeutic. After months of searching I found a company of people who actually enjoy life.

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat • Edited

FWIW, you have plenty of company. Hard times.

That said, many of your behaviors are actually making things worse, which just increases your burden and results in a downward spiral. If you want to get a job, you can't be depressed. People pick up on that subconsciously.

So you have to arrest the downward spiral and turn it around, spiraling up instead.

Clutter and a messy environment are really depressing, so the first thing to do is to spend a day really cleaning and neatening everything up. If you do so, I think that you'll find, sitting in your newly cleaned apartment, that you feel much better already.

Another big one is sitting around and feeling sad. That's no help at all. You can affect your hormonal balance with exercise and the outdoors. Get out and go for a brisk walk. Go somewhere nice -- a park or garden. Smell the roses. Pet a dog. Say hello to strangers.

Food, too. Instead of eating crap, buy some fresh vegetables and a few delicacies and plan a feast for yourself. Invite a friend. Cooking is best when shared. And clean as you go. Try to keep the kitchen spotless all the way through, with only the serving dishes left to do after you've finished eating. And do them right away.

New clothes, the gym, swimming, sitting in a café relaxing and people-watching, maybe read a good book.

All these things will help you to reverse your direction, and will vastly improve your chances of finding a good job. And, if you can, be picky about the job. Don't take the first thing that comes along (unless it is really right). Learning new skills is also a smart approach -- good idea there.

You can also take advantage of various aids to help you find the right path. There is a lot out there. Of course, you may already be doing many of these things.

I wish you the best in this journey. As I said, you are not alone -- not by a long shot. If you can find others in a similar situation and work to support each other, encouraging growth, that can help, too.

supeergabs_ profile image
Gabriela Muñoz

Charles, thank you so much for your recommendations, it brings tears to my eyes to read them. Now, fortunately, I am doing some activities, every day I feel better. :)

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

We are all in this together, Gabriela, even if many of us tend to forget...

edwindavid profile image
Edwin David

Hey Gabriela, thanks for sharing this post, I took my time to read it all and let me tell you something, there are bad and good days.. it's up to you to decide where you can be , blessings

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

Thanks for sharing your story. I wish you all the best 💟