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Cover image for Friday stuff #4.10.2019
Alexey Zhaboyedov
Alexey Zhaboyedov

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Friday stuff #4.10.2019

Introducing dry-effects
Today we're introducing another gem and supercharging our toolset: say hello to dry-effects!
dry-effects is an implementation of algebraic effects in Ruby. Sound scary? Fear not! After a few examples, it'll feel very natural and compelling.

Running GitHub on Rails 6.0
On August 26, 2019, the GitHub application was deployed to production with 100 percent of traffic on the newest Rails version: 6.0. This change came just 1.5 weeks after the final release of Rails 6.0. Rails upgrades aren’t always something companies announce, but looking back at GitHub’s history of being on a custom fork of Rails 3.2, this upgrade is a big deal.

Ruby, Rails

Behind-the-scenes of ‘Geared Pagination’ in Rails
There’s a better, more user-friendly-driven approach to writing pagination for your application. The idea is simple: Load more records…

For organizing Rails projects, domain objects are good and service objects are bad
How service objects as an alternative to the “Active Record grab bag” anti-pattern work and why it's a bad idea.

Engineering practices

Google Engineering Practices Documentation
Google has many generalized engineering practices that cover all languages and all projects. These documents represent our collective experience of various best practices that we have developed over time. It is possible that open source projects or other organizations would benefit from this knowledge, so we work to make it available publicly when possible.

6 ways minimalism can help you write clean code
In this article, I'll share how you can apply minimalism concepts in code to make it clean and be more productive.

How to make good code reviews better
Better code reviews are where engineers keep improving how they do code reviews. These code reviews look at the code change in the context of the codebase, of who is requesting it and in what situation. These reviews adjust their approach based on the context and situation. The goal not only being a high-quality review, but also to help the developers and teams requesting the review to be more productive.


Restore working tree files.

Clubhouse Write
Clubhouse, the project management platform company loved by software teams around the world, today announced its second product, Clubhouse Write, a real-time collaborative knowledge base tool that focuses on information discovery and the most common use cases for engineering and product teams. The product is in private beta and is planned to be available later this year.

The AI platform for marketers is building the first AI-powered virtual colleague for marketers, with the mission to take the burden from advertisers. Supercharge your optimization routine with automation.

Stripe. Corporate card for fast-growing businesses
Focus on your business, not on optimizing credit card points. Every month, we’ll give you extra cash back on the categories where you spent the most.


Marketing Examples
Real world marketing case studies.


Bright & Early | Shape Up with Ryan Singer of Basecamp
Listen in as Ryan Singer and I chat about his new book, “Shape Up”.

Code[ish] | 32. GopherCon 2019 Spotlight, Part 1
Chris Castle recently attended GopherCon 2019 in San Diego, and captured small conversations from many different Go community members. In Part One of a two-part episode, he had several conversations with GopherCon speakers about what they were building.

Ruby Rogues | RR 429: Mechanical Confidence with Adam Cuppy
Adam Cuppy is the cofounder and current chief operating officer at Zeal, web and mobile app consultancy. Today the panel is discussing the talk he gave at Rails Conf called Mechanically Confident. Adam has a hypothesis that confidence is not the result of belief alone but ingrained routine. The more routine, the more pattern, the more rehearsal applied to a given thing, the more confident you are with that thing

Top comments (2)

harrydry profile image
Harry Dry

Pleasure to be recommended. Thank you Alexey!

sunnymagadan profile image
Alexey Zhaboyedov

Thank you, Harry! Stay tuned... :)