The iconic Jurassic Park movie, released in 1993, captivated audiences with its mesmerizing depiction of a fully automated park powered by computer programming. While we marvelled at the breathtaking scenes, have you ever wondered which programming language was utilised to bring the park's automation to life?"
While it is not explicitly stated in the Jurassic Park movie that the control system language used in the park is Pascal, there are indeed references and similarities to Pascal in the film.
In the movie, the character Dennis Nedry, portrayed as a skilled computer programmer, is shown writing code for the park's control system. The code snippets shown on screen display Pascal-like syntax and structure, suggesting a resemblance to the Pascal programming language.
Additionally, the character Ray Arnold, played by Samuel L. Jackson, mentions "Pascal routines" when discussing the park's control system. This further suggests that Pascal may have been an inspiration for the fictional language depicted in the movie.
However, it's important to note that the language portrayed in the film as "Nedry's Code" or "JP-CL" is a fictional representation and does not correspond directly to the real Pascal programming language. The movie takes artistic liberties and simplifies the technical aspects for storytelling purposes.
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