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Sumit Samanta
Sumit Samanta

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Angular Build Optimisation: A Comprehensive Guide

Angular is a powerful framework for building complex web applications. However, as your Angular application grows, you might start to notice that your build times are getting longer and your bundle sizes are growing. This can slow down your development process and negatively impact your users’ experience. In this article, we’ll explore some strategies for optimizing your Angular builds.

Understanding Angular Builds

Before we dive into optimization strategies, it’s important to understand what happens when you build an Angular application. When you run the ng build command, Angular’s build system, Angular CLI, performs several tasks:

  1. Compilation: Angular CLI uses the TypeScript compiler to convert your TypeScript code into JavaScript.
  2. Bundling: The JavaScript code is then bundled together using a tool called Webpack.
  3. Minification: The bundled code is minified to reduce its size.
  4. Tree Shaking: Unused code is removed during a process known as tree shaking.

Optimization Strategies
Now that we understand what happens during an Angular build, let’s look at some strategies for optimizing your builds.

Use the Production Build
When you’re ready to deploy your application, always use the production build (ng build --prod). The production build enables several optimizations that are not included in the development build, such as AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation, minification, and tree shaking.

Enable Lazy Loading
Lazy loading is a design pattern that delays the loading of non-critical resources at page load time. In Angular, you can implement lazy loading by using the Angular Router to only load modules when they are needed.

Use Angular Universal
Angular Universal is a technology that allows you to run your Angular application on the server. This can significantly improve the initial load time of your application.

Keep Your Dependencies Up-to-Date
Keeping your dependencies up-to-date can also help improve your build times. Newer versions of dependencies often include performance improvements and bug fixes.

Optimizing your Angular builds can significantly improve your development process and your users’ experience. By understanding how Angular builds work and implementing the strategies discussed in this article, you can ensure that your Angular application is as efficient as possible.

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