DEV Community

Suleiman Alhaji Mohammed
Suleiman Alhaji Mohammed

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User Management System

My Kit Overview

Is a User Management System built using Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL. The system allows for basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on user data. It includes a RESTful API for backend operations and a simple frontend to interact with the API.

  1. User Registration:

    • Allows new users to register by providing a username, email, and password.
    • Passwords are hashed before being stored in the database for security.
  2. Retrieve Users:

    • Fetch all users from the database or retrieve a single user by their unique ID.
  3. Update User Information:

    • Update the username, email, or password of an existing user.
  4. Delete Users:

    • Remove a user from the database based on their ID.
  5. Error Handling:

    • Enhanced error handling ensures that meaningful error messages are returned, aiding in debugging.

Technologies Used:

  • Backend:
    • Node.js: Server-side runtime for handling requests.
    • Express.js: Web framework for building the RESTful API.
    • PostgreSQL: Database for storing user data.
    • pg: Node.js library for interfacing with PostgreSQL.
    • bcrypt: For hashing passwords before storing them in the database.
    • CORS: Middleware to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.


  • Simple HTML and JavaScript to interact with the API endpoints for registration, updating, and deleting users.

Steps Involved:

  1. Database Setup:

    • A PostgreSQL database was configured with a users table containing fields for id, username, email, password, and created_at.
  2. API Development:

    • Routes were created for each CRUD operation (/api/register, /api/users, /api/users/:id, etc.).
    • Controllers were implemented to handle the business logic for each operation.
    • Middleware was used for handling errors and parsing JSON bodies.
  3. Frontend Integration:

    • A basic user interface was developed to allow for registration, viewing, updating, and deleting users.
    • Fetch API was used to send HTTP requests to the backend.
  4. Deployment:

    • The project was uploaded to GitHub for version control and sharing.

The system can be used as a starter kit for building more complex user management applications or integrated into larger systems where user authentication and management are required. This project serves as a comprehensive example of building a full-stack web application, from backend API development to frontend interaction, using modern web technologies.

Project Link (

The Stack is very nice, Dev Community are good in providing educatable project for helping developers to get deep into their skills and I choose this stack to give my contributions to Developers to use my starter kit for developing their Apps. I learned how to work PostgreSQL database on Neon.


Top comments (2)

cshalive profile image

It would be helpful if steps are added to show how this code works. Meaning, steps to launch the application and some screenshots of working app would greatly benefit the audience.
Thanks for the post. A good start.

suleiman_alhajimohammed_ profile image
Suleiman Alhaji Mohammed
