Why? — Sharing some of the lessons with developer community on how to automate repeatable tasks with Azure Dev Ops Rest API.
You can apply this pattern to create work items, trigger builds, test cases etc.
IDE: Visual Studio Code
Tech Stack: C#, FlurlHttp, Azure Dev Ops Restful API
Account created in Azure Dev Ops: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/devops/?nav=min
API Reference : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/?view=azure-devops-rest-7.1
Create a Team project with the name : DevOpsDemos with Version control as “Git” and Work item process as “Scrum”
Go to User settings >> Personal access tokens and generate a new token so that it can be used for accessing the api.
How the code is structed:
Step 1: Create a ASP.NET Core Minimal Web API with the following packages:
Step 2: Update appsettings.json as follows:
Step 3: Create a record with the name “AzureDevOpsSettings” to load the configuration from appsettings.json created in previous step.
Step 4: Create Azure Dev Ops Client Request class as follows:
Step 5: Create an Access Token Provider class with an interface as follows:
Step 6:
Create a AzureDevOpsHttpClientAdapter class with an interface as follows:
Step 7:
Create an AzureDevOpsServicesManager class with an interface as follows:
Step 8:
Create a ProductBacklog Controller with an HttpPost Attribute with 2 Parameters.
Step 9:
Now update the program.cs to wire everything up and dependencies are injected.
Step 10: Now run the app using dotnet run command.
Step 11:
Now we can use any http clients to send a request to http://localhost:5276/api/ProductBackLog?title=Test PBI&description=Test
Hope this helps.
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