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OSD600 - Release0.3 New PR since the last disaster.

OSD600 is an Open Source development class where we learn how to contribute to open source and manage our own projects. My previous PR for Release0.3 proved to be more difficult then anticipated. I needed to find something else. I wrote about this in my previous blog. I've discovered that CSS has varying levels of difficulty depending on what you are trying to accomplish.

I searched on telescope, where I found another "Issue" in front end to work on. In this PR I needed to remove files from the project. After careful searching I found the files. I removed the files in the command line and saved. It was now time to run telescope and ensure everything worked fine and the removal of the files didn't effect the project. Everything seemed to be fine so I created the Pull Request. Still feeling defeated by my last PR, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.
Exhale... Voila! My PR was merged.

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I conclude that school often creates anxiety for most. The pressure of learning new things and completing the work assigned within the time allotted. Learning new things is one of my favorite things to do but much easier when done at your own pace. Now I'm really looking forward to leaning more after my semester is complete!

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