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Arek Krysik for Stratoflow

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Openkoda - Open Source Salesforce Alternative For Enterprise Applications

We are thrilled to announce that Openkoda, a powerful and flexible open-source enterprise application development platform, has surpassed 800 stars on GitHub ⭐⭐⭐.

Big Thank You!

First and foremost, we want to express our gratitude to the amazing developers, contributors, and users in our community. Your star ratings, feedback, and reviews have been essential in Openkoda's development effotrs.

For those who don't know, Openkoda offers a comprehensive suite of features that empower developers to build, deploy, and manage business applications with ease.

We've seen numerous companies struggling with their Salesforce software setup, paying exorbitant fees for relatively simple systems.

Openkoda was created to address these needs — providing enterprise users with a way to develop robust applications without the worry of vendor lock-in or user-based pricing.

What Makes Openkoda Unique?

Openkoda stands out in the crowded landscape of enterprise application development platforms due to its open-source nature, flexibility, and focus on providing a complete and customizable environment for building business solutions.

Unlike many proprietary platforms, Openkoda is designed with transparency and user control at its core.

This allows organizations to fully own and modify the platform to meet their specific needs without being tied to a vendor's roadmap or licensing costs.

No vendor lock-in, no user based pricing!

A key aspect of what makes Openkoda unique is its commitment to integrating seamlessly with existing enterprise systems.

It offers robust APIs and integration capabilities that make it easier to connect with various third-party tools and services, ensuring that businesses can leverage their existing IT investments.

Additionally, Openkoda’s modular architecture is built to support rapid development and deployment, allowing companies to innovate faster and adapt to changing business requirements without the typical constraints imposed by closed platforms.

development platform

Don't reinvent the wheel

When developing enterprise applications, it's crucial not to waste time on reinventing common functionalities.

Openkoda offers a range of built-in features that streamline development and help you get up and running quickly.

  • Multiple Authentication Methods - Supports LDAP, Google, Salesforce, and SAML SSO (coming soon).

  • Advanced Resource Management - Includes Application Event and File Management tools.

  • External Message Hubs Integration - Compatible with Slack, Jira, Microsoft Teams, Trello, GitHub, and Basecamp.

  • User Management - Offers features like user registration, account verification, password recovery, and role management.

  • Multi-Tenancy - Supports various multi-tenancy configurations.

  • Organizations Management - Allows easy invitation and management of organization members.

  • Application Admin Panel - Provides logs and system health statistics.

  • CMS - Enables creation and versioning of public and internal resources.

  • Event-Driven Communication - Custom application events trigger administrator-configured actions.

  • Job Request Scheduling - Schedule execution of custom scripts and functions.

  • Email Sender - Simplifies sending of transactional emails.

  • Backups - Offers embedded routines for database backups.

Join Our Community! 👨‍💻

We invite developers and enthusiasts to join the Openkoda community and contribute to this open-source platform.

Whether you're an experienced developer or just beginning your journey, you can help by starring and sharing the Openkoda repository on GitHub to spread the word and increase visibility.

By joining our community, you can collaborate, share insights, and help shape the future of enterprise application development with Openkoda.

Openkoda Github Page

Check Out for Yourself! 🚀

If you're interested in exploring how Openkoda can meet your specific business needs, we invite you to schedule a personalized demo.

Our team is ready to walk you through the platform's capabilities and answer any questions you may have to help you get started.

Schedule Your Demo Today!

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