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How To Build Your First Strapi 5 Plugin

Building Your First Strapi Plugin: YouTube Transcript Generator

This guide will walk you through creating a Strapi plugin that fetches YouTube video transcripts. If you are wondering how to get a transcript of a YouTube video and learn how to build a Strapi plugin, then this tutorial is for you.

Here is a demo of what we will be building.

Step 1: Set up Strapi

We will start by setting up a new Strapi CMS project. Let's follow the following steps:

  1. Create a new Strapi project:
   npx create-strapi-app@latest get-yt-summary
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  1. Follow the prompts to set up your project:
    • Use the default SQLite database
    • Don't start with example structure & data
    • Use TypeScript
    • Install dependencies with npm
    • Initialize a git repository
➜  temp  npx create-strapi-app@latest get-yt-summary
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y

 Strapi   v5.0.5 🚀 Let's create your new project

We can't find any auth credentials in your Strapi config.

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? Please log in or sign up. Skip
? Do you want to use the default database (sqlite) ? Yes
? Start with an example structure & data? No
? Start with Typescript? Yes
? Install dependencies with npm? Yes
? Initialize a git repository? Yes
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  1. Start Strapi:
   cd get-yt-summary
   yarn develop
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  1. Create your first admin user through the Strapi admin panel. You will be greeted with the following screen:


After creating the user, you will be redirected to the admin page:


We are now ready to start building our Strapi plugin.

Step 2: Initialize the Plugin

To help us get started with our YouTube transcript generator plugin, we will use the Strapi Plugin CLI SDK. You can learn more about it here.

  1. Use the Strapi Plugin CLI SDK to create a new plugin inside the Strapi project folder:
   npx @strapi/sdk-plugin@latest init get-yt-transcript-plugin
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  1. Follow the prompts to set up your plugin:
[INFO]  Creating a new package at:  src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin
✔ plugin name … get-yt-transcript-plugin
✔ plugin display name … YT Transcript
✔ plugin description … Get YT transcript.
✔ plugin author name … Paul Brats
✔ plugin author email …
✔ git url …
✔ plugin license … MIT
✔ register with the admin panel? … no
✔ register with the server? … yes
✔ use editorconfig? … yes
✔ use eslint? … yes
✔ use prettier? … yes
✔ use typescript? … yes
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Step 3: Configure the Plugin

Now that we have a plugin, we must configure it to be available in our Strapi application.

  1. Reference the plugin in Strapi's configuration file. Create or edit config/plugins.ts:
   export default {
     "get-yt-transcript-plugin": {
       enabled: true,
       resolve: "./src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin",
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  1. Navigate to the plugin folder and install dependencies:
   cd src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin
   yarn install
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  1. Build the plugin:
   yarn build
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  1. Start the plugin in watch mode:
   yarn watch
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  1. Make sure you are in the root of your Strapi project and restart your Strapi server:
   yarn develop
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We should now see the plugin in the sidebar in the admin panel:


Step 4: Set Up Plugin Routes

We now need to update our routes to allow us to access the plugin's exposed endpoints and use it outside of the admin panel.

Navigate to the plugin folder and let's make the following change in the src/plugin/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/routes/index.ts file:

Currently, the file looks like this:

export default [
    method: "GET",
    path: "/",
    // name of the controller file & the method.
    handler: "controller.index",
    config: {
      policies: [],
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Currently, this defaults to the admin routes, which are meant to be used inside the admin panel.

In Strapi we have two types of routes:

  • content-api: These routes are meant to be used outside the admin panel.
  • admin: These routes are meant to be used inside the admin panel.

Let's update our routes to include both types.

  1. Update src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/routes/index.ts:
   import contentApi from "./content-api";
   import admin from "./admin";

   export default {
     "content-api": {
       type: "content-api",
       routes: [...contentApi],
     admin: {
       type: "admin",
       routes: [...admin],
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Now we must create the content-api and the admin routes. Let's start with the content-api routes.

Create a new file called content-api.ts in the src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/routes folder and add the following:

  1. Create src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/routes/content-api.ts:
   export default [
       method: "GET",
       path: "/",
       handler: "controller.index",
       config: {
         policies: [],
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Now let's create the admin route.

  1. Create src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/routes/admin.ts:
   export default [
       method: "GET",
       path: "/",
       handler: "controller.index",
       config: {
         policies: [],
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You should now have the following file structure:


Nice. Now, let's test out our plugin in its current state to see if it works.

  1. Enable API Permission Make sure your Strapi server is running. In Strapi admin panel, navigate to the Settings section and click on the Users & Permissions plugin, choose Roles and then click on the Public role. You should see the get-yt-transcript-plugin.

Select the get-yt-transcript-plugin and then click on the index endpoint checkbox. Make sure to save.

Here is a screenshot of what it should look like:


Now you should be able to test the endpoint by visiting: http://localhost:1337/api/get-yt-transcript-plugin

You should see the following response:


Step 5: Create the Service

Now, we need to create the service that will fetch the YouTube transcript.

We will use the youtubei.js library to fetch the transcript. You can learn more about it here.

  1. Install Youtube Transcript Library Don't forget to install the library by running the following command in the root of your plugin folder:
yarn add youtubei.js
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Let's start by updating the code in the services.ts file found in the src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/services folder.

  1. Create src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/services/service.ts:
   import type { Core } from "@strapi/strapi";

   const fetchTranscript = async (
     url: string
   ): Promise<(string | undefined)[] | undefined> => {
     const { Innertube } = await import("youtubei.js");

     const youtube = await Innertube.create({
       lang: "en",
       location: "US",
       retrieve_player: false,

     try {
       const info = await youtube.getInfo(url);
       const transcriptData = await info.getTranscript();
       return transcriptData?.transcript?.content?.body?
         (segment) => segment.snippet.text
     } catch (error) {
       console.error("Error fetching transcript:", error);
       throw error;

   async function getYouTubeTranscript(videoUrl: string) {
     const videoId = new URL(videoUrl).searchParams.get("v");
     const transcript = await fetchTranscript(videoId);
     return transcript?.join(" ");

   const service = ({ strapi }: { strapi: Core.Strapi }) => ({
     async getYoutubeTranscript(videoId: string) {
       const youtubeIdRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}$/;
       const isValid = youtubeIdRegex.test(videoId);

       if (!isValid) return { error: "Invalid video ID", data: null };

       try {
         const baseUrl = "";
         const path = "/watch";
         const url = new URL(path, baseUrl);
         url.searchParams.set("v", videoId);

         const transcript = await getYouTubeTranscript(url.href);
         return transcript;
       } catch (error) {
         return { error: "Error fetching transcript: " + error, data: null };

   export default service;
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Strapi Service Code Summary and Explanation

The above code defines a service fetching a YouTube video's transcript using the youtubei.js library. Here's a breakdown of what the code does:

fetchTranscript function:

  • This function takes a YouTube video URL as input and returns an array of strings containing the video's transcript, or undefined if it is not available.
  • It initializes the YouTube API client using Innertube.create() with default settings (language: English, location: US, and without retrieving the video player).
  • It retrieves the video information using youtube.getInfo(url) and then attempts to fetch the transcript with info.getTranscript().
  • The function returns the mapped transcript content by extracting the text from each segment.

getYouTubeTranscript function:

  • This function extracts the video ID from a YouTube URL, calls fetchTranscript to get the transcript, and joins it into a single string.
  • The result is the full transcript of the video.

service function:

  • The service function exports a Strapi service that fetches YouTube transcripts.
  • It validates the YouTube video ID using a regex pattern (YouTube IDs are exactly 11 characters long and can contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens).
  • If the ID is valid, it constructs the full YouTube video URL using the video ID.
  • It then calls getYouTubeTranscript to retrieve the transcript.
  • If successful, the transcript is returned; otherwise, it returns an error message.

Step 6: Create the Controller

Once you have the service ready, we can focus on creating the controller. As we mentioned before when the request is made to a designated endpoint, Strapi will call the appropriate controller, which will then call the service we just created.

In the controller.ts file found in the src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/controllers folder, add the following code:

Create src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/controllers/controller.ts:

   import type { Core } from "@strapi/strapi";

   const controller = ({ strapi }: { strapi: Core.Strapi }) => ({
     async getYoutubeTranscript(ctx) {
       ctx.body = await strapi

   export default controller;
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We updated the following code to reference the service we just created. Now that the controller is ready, we need to update the routes to point to it before we can test it.

Step 7: Update the Routes

Remember that we created two types of routes: content-api and admin. We need to update both of them to point to our new controller.

So make the following changes in both files, content-api.ts and admin.ts, found in the src/plugins/get-yt-transcript-plugin/server/src/routes folder:

export default [
    method: "GET",
    path: "/yt-transcript/:videoId",
    handler: "controller.getYoutubeTranscript",
    config: {
      policies: [],
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Now that we have the routes updated, we can test the plugin.

But first, make sure to rebuild the plugin by running the following command in the root of your plugin folder:

yarn build
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And restart your Strapi server by running yarn develop.

Step 8: Test the Plugin

After rebuilding and restarting the Strapi server, let's double-check our permissions. Since we updated the controller's name, we need to make sure that the Public role has access to it.

Here is a screenshot of what it should look like:


Now let's test it out in Postman within VSCode.

I am going to make a GET request to the following endpoint:

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Just make sure you add a valid YouTube video ID.

You should see the following response:


Congratulations! You've now created a Strapi plugin that fetches YouTube video transcripts.


In this tutorial, we covered the process of creating our first Strapi plugin and how to get a transcript of a YouTube video by building a custom Strapi plugin.

We explored how to set up a new Strapi project, initialize a plugin, configure it, and implement the necessary components, such as routes, services, and controllers.

This example provides a foundation for building more complex plugins with additional functionality.

Tutorial Video

You can watch the video for this tutorial below, if you prefer the video version of this content.

Strapi Open Office Hours

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to comment below. You can also join us for Strapi's "Open Office Hours" on Discord. We are here Monday through Friday.

Morning Session:
4 AM CST (9:00 AM GMT)

Afternoon Session:
12:30 PM CST (6:30 PM GMT)

Also, I am in the process of updating The Epic Next JS with Strapi 5 Blog Series to include this plugin.

As part of the update, we will use this plugin to fetch the transcript for the YouTube video to summarize it using AI.

Stay tuned!

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