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Discussion on: Explain apollo graphql partialRefetch like I'm five

stramel89 profile image
Michael Stramel

Hey, I was looking for this too. This was the best and pretty much only answer I could find.

When a Query component is mounted, and a mutation is executed that returns the same ID as the mounted Query, but has less fields in its result, Apollo Client's QueryManager returns the data as an empty Object since a hit can't be found in the cache. This can lead to application errors when the UI elements rendered by the original Query component are expecting certain data values to exist, and they're all of a sudden stripped away. The recommended way to handle this is to use the mutations update prop to reconcile the mutation result with the data in the cache, getting everything into the expected state. This can definitely be a cumbersome process however, so to help address this the partialRefetch prop can be used to automatically refetch the original query and update the cache.

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Hey Michael, thanks for sharing, this makes it more understandable! :)

stramel89 profile image
Michael Stramel

Glad I could help :)