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Discussion on: [Tutorial] Creating simple blog app with Rails 6 and GraphQL Part #1

storrence88 profile image
Steven Torrence • Edited

Hi, I am trying to follow along with your tutorial. I am at the part where we have just added the mutations_variable.rb. I've included the line config.include GraphQL::MutationVariables to my rails_helper.rb inside of the Rspec.configure block.

The issue I am getting happens when I run rspec spec to initialize the tests.

Failure/Error: config.include GraphQL::MutationVariables
NameError: uninitialized constant GraphQL::MutationVariables

It doesn't seem to recognize the line I included in my rails_helper.rb. Any suggestions?

kuskoman profile image

It's a typo, your file name must match module name, so GraphQL::MutationVariables
Must be in file mutation_variables.rb,
not mutations_variable.rb