I am writing (rewriting) my blog from Nextjs to Astro because I feel it's better to manage with Markdown files.
And one of the features I require in some of my posts or notes is to have a table of contents (TOC). Because some posts are quite long.
Looking in google I found a post where there were some instructions to do it, unfortunately the implementation is deprecated :(.
Here are the steps I followed to implement TOC in my posts (md and mdx):
npm i rehype-slug rehype-toc rehype-autolink-headings rehype-stringify remark-toc
Create markdown.config.ts file
this because it needs to implement for md and mdx files.
import remarkToc from "remark-toc";
import rehypeToc from "rehype-toc";
export default {
remarkPlugins: [[remarkToc, { tight: true, ordered: true }]],
rehypePlugins: [
headings: ["h1", "h2", "h3"],
cssClasses: {
toc: "toc-post",
link: "toc-link",
Add to astro.config file
import markdownConfig from './markdown.config'
export default defineConfig({
markdown: markdownConfig,
integrations: [
extendPlugins: false,
I hope it will be of great help.
Top comments (1)
Hey Great article.
is there a way to have this only show on certain pages and in certain positions (ie after Title)