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Discussion on: Complete Guide To Hosting Wordpress On Heroku With SSL Certification

stevemcarthur profile image
Steve Mc

Adding and removing themes and plugins. The plugin and theme folders are ignored in the .gitignore file. So I'm guessing these need to be removed from the .gitignore file. Or should we be adding the plugins and theme to the composer.json file and let composer do the loading?

aryaziai profile image

Hi Steve, are you adding your plugins into web/app/plugins , and your theme(s) into web/app/themes? Ignore the wp-content folder that is inside the root directory.

stevemcarthur profile image
Steve Mc

Yep. But these folders are in the .gitignore and the composer.json file seems to imply that the themes and plugins should be added there.

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aryaziai profile image

Hi Steve, I’ve never run into this issue. But nevertheless, comment it out from your gitignore file. Let me know if things are working smoothly.

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richardharrington profile image
Richard Harrington • Edited


For what it is worth, I am having the same issue. I have added a theme using composer require wpackagist-theme/my-theme on the cli, then it didn't work so I followed the directions above and copied the unzipped theme folder directly into /web/app/themes, commented out the .gitignore line that was preventing the themes from going into source control, and pushed to heroku. The build succeeded. The theme did not show up.

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richardharrington profile image
Richard Harrington

(the name of the theme is author)