DEV Community

Mariusz Bialobrzeski
Mariusz Bialobrzeski

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What to Expect From a Coding Bootcamp

A month ago I have started a coding bootcamp. It is supposed to be a half a year program. It is supposed to be for complete beginners to software development. As it is a requirement for every cohort member to write a blog post every phase, here I am doing what I have never done before. Writing and sharing something publicly. I have to admit that I have posted a few times on the stackoverflow but this is different. I see a blogging as an expression of of knowledge. We find ourselves being redirected to blog posts when we seek answers to the concepts we are not familiar with. In a nice written, well thought through and almost always assumed to have content that is correct and even be an example to follow. But what about me? I am not well versed in the proper grammar nor give too much thought to my first blog post. Most of all, by all means, I am not to be taken as an authority in the technical content of the course I have just joined. What if I keep blogging as a journal to record my reflections on the program so far? This way I would not put anyone in trouble offering my advice about the concepts I am vaguely familiar with. Having said that, here is the one thing I feel is the most important to point out. Beginnings are difficult. This is new technology, most likely a new way to work since there are standards we are supposed to learn and follow. This is also a new commitment. Now there is this ten hour or so time frame that I need to account for each week to do all the reading, make sure I understand the concepts well enough to use them to do all the assignments and to use this knowledge in the future and if I am lucky, attend or at least watch the recorded lectures and lab sessions. What I have found so far is that it is not the exposure to the new technical concepts which cause the biggest problems. It is the management of time necessary to submit everything before the due date. In a way it is a struggle not with trying to understand and learn new concepts but rather a struggle to bend and cut down the personal habits and activities just to submit everything on time.

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