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Sergio Triana Escobedo
Sergio Triana Escobedo

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Introducing UniquePtr: A Powerful Smart Pointer for Rust Developers

Are you a Rust developer seeking a robust and efficient solution for managing dynamically allocated objects? Look no further! We're excited to introduce UniquePtr, a simple yet powerful smart pointer library for Rust. With UniquePtr, you can achieve unique ownership semantics, ensuring proper deallocation of objects and freeing you from the burden of manual memory management.

Why UniquePtr?

Rust's ownership system already provides excellent memory safety guarantees. However, there are cases where you still need precise control over object lifetimes, especially when working with dynamically allocated memory. UniquePtr fills this gap by offering a straightforward and idiomatic way to handle unique ownership scenarios. Here's why you should consider using UniquePtr:

  • Automatic Deallocation

With UniquePtr, you can say goodbye to memory leaks and dangling pointers. It automatically deallocates the managed object when it goes out of scope. You no longer need to manually track and free memory, saving you valuable time and effort.

  • Unique Ownership

UniquePtr enforces exclusive ownership of objects. Only one UniquePtr instance can own and manage the object at any given time. This eliminates the risks associated with multiple owners and ensures predictable and safe memory management.

  • Customizable Deletion

UniquePtr allows you to customize the deallocation behavior by specifying a custom deleter. Whether you need to invoke a specific function or perform additional cleanup operations, UniquePtr's flexible design enables you to tailor the deletion process to your specific requirements.

  • Seamless Integration

UniquePtr integrates seamlessly with Rust's ownership model. It works harmoniously with Rust's borrow checker and error handling mechanisms, providing a cohesive and intuitive experience. You can leverage the full power of Rust's language features while enjoying the benefits of smart pointer semantics.

Getting Started with UniquePtr

Using UniquePtr is straightforward. Simply add the UniquePtr dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

unique_ptr = "0.1.0"
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Then, import the UniquePtr type into your code:

use unique_ptr::UniquePtr;
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Once imported, you can create and manipulate UniquePtr instances just like any other Rust type. Take advantage of the provided methods for resetting the pointer, releasing ownership, cloning, and dereferencing.

Here's a simple example:

use unique_ptr::UniquePtr;

fn main() {
    let ptr = Box::new(42);
    let unique_ptr = UniquePtr::with_ptr(ptr);

    assert_eq!(unsafe { *unique_ptr.ptr }, 42);

    let ptr2 = Box::new(99);

    assert_eq!(unsafe { *unique_ptr.ptr }, 99);
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Contributing and Support

If you encounter any issues, have ideas for enhancements, or wish to contribute code, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository.


UniquePtr empowers Rust developers with a reliable solution for managing dynamically allocated objects. By providing automatic deallocation and unique ownership semantics, UniquePtr enhances the safety and efficiency of your code. Say goodbye to memory leaks and embrace the simplicity of smart pointers.

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