DEV Community

Discussion on: Dealing With Failures & Setbacks

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Thanks for catching it, I think it's alright cause you just figure out a way to overcome it. Even with the best preparation & planning, there is always things you can do better.

incrementis profile image
Akin C.

You are welcome :).

I'm afraid if the focus is mostly on speed, there won't be time to enjoy the work / craft I've learned.
I also fear that if you are not careful you could develop into an "intellectual assembly line worker".
("You" in the previous sentence is of course meant as "someone". I'm not going to judge you.)

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steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

I think your understanding of speed is different from mine. What I'm referring in terms of speed it is going through the OODA loop. When you are in the thick of the moment executing or force to do fire fighting to figure out a way.

It serves on tactical level but on strategy level. You still require time in thinking & reflection to become better & smarter from this activity or event.

The last thing you want them to suffer from analysis paralysis or being hampered by fear to take action.