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Steve Baker
Steve Baker

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HamsterScript - a micro-library for TamperMonkey

The following is just some thoughts and findings I've had on creating a micro-library for personal use for TamperMonkey and Userscripts.

The library is not published yet as it is still a proof of concept and a little messy currently, meaning the API isn't very stable

TamperMonkey Intro

Something I've recently started goofing around with is TamperMonkey, a browser extension that allows you to "install and create userscripts, which are JavaScript programs that can be used to modify web pages".

I enjoy automating and hacking things together and TamperMonkey scratches that itch for me. Browser extensions are very powerful but sometimes you just need to restyle a webpage or inject a little bit of JS. A few scripts I've created recently that I found myself using daily are:

  • Display area stats for properties on Rightmove (i've been looking at houses a lot lately)
  • Add a hyperlink on every GitHub PR to a "short lived environment" & a link to JIRA tickets based on ticket ID found in the branch name (assuming one exists)
  • Autopopulating web forms for testing systems (browser extensions like iMacros do exist but can be very limited)
  • Enrich websites I'm currently developing with detailed debugging information (e.g a toolbar to display Session info, the current git commit_ref, links to Kibana for the logged in user, cloud tools, links to CMS and CRM entries, envconfigs at a glance, all sorts reall). Can be very useful for less technical people too such as testers and product owners so they can diagnose issues on dev environments.

Why Create A Library Though?

I find myself constantly copy/pasting boilerplate code between userscripts or re-writing from memory and introducing bugs. Want to insert an element, then you'll need a lot of lines of code for this:

var textEl = document.createElement('p')
textEl.innerText = "foo";
textEl.className = "";
textEl.onclick = populate;
// or
// or this monstrosity
textEl.insertBefore(someOtherElement, textEl.firstChild);
// or there's other ways to do this!
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The same applies for making fetch requests too. The browsers built in fetch function blocks most requests due to CORS. So you'll need to use GM_xmlhttpRequest instead. But that doesn't use promises because xmlhttpRequest is ancient. So you'll probably want to wrap that in a Promise. Then you'll need to parse the response. Then some other stuff. I've needed to copy/paste something like this and change bits for multiple scripts now:

// The following userscript @grant is required to make cross origin requests:
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest

async function parseWebsite(postcode) {
    const url = `${postcode}`;

    const response = await Request(url); // Request is defined below
    const html = response.responseText;
    var parser = new DOMParser();

    // Parse the text
    var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
    const number = doc.querySelector('.ilivehere-rating-number').textContent;
    return number;

// Wrap xmlRequest in a Promise
function Request(url, opt={}) {
    Object.assign(opt, {
        timeout: 2000,
        responseType: 'json'

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        opt.onerror = opt.ontimeout = reject
        opt.onload = resolve

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Another example - reading a cookie. Unfortunately there's no document.readCookie("foo") so I find myself copy/pasting this and other 'utility' functions across Userscripts:

const getCookie = (name)=> {
    const value = `; ${document.cookie}`;
    const parts = value.split(`; ${name}=`);
    if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift();

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HamsterScript Intro

Assuming you've made it this far, thanks for sticking around! I decided to create HamsterScript for two reasons:

  • Make it slightly easier to create future Userscripts by using a library with a set of easy to use, common helper functions
  • Create a well documented "cheatsheet" for personal Userscript knowledge

HamsterScript Usage

Installing a library is really simple in a Userscript. Heck, you could even include frameworks like Vue or jQuery if you wanted or libraries like D3 or your own raw JS files hosted on a CDN such as github!

// @name         [HamsterScript Example]
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require      <placeholder>/hamsterscript-latest.min.js
(async function() {
    'use strict';

    const doc = await hamster.fetchDom("<some-url>");
    const stats = doc.querySelector('.body-band-highlight').childNodes[1].textContent;
        const newBtn = hamster.insert({tag: "p", text}, `[itemprop="streetAddress"]`);

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Only 3 lines of code for one of my most common use cases for Tampermoney. The same in vanilla JS is 20+ lines. Understandably you may lose some readability (what does hamster.fetchDom actually do?). Well as I previously mentioned, one goal of this library is to create a "cheatsheet" along with abstracting common functions into a reusable library! You can see what hamster.fetchDom does in the HamsterScript docs OR view the annotated code on GitHub, along with a full explanation and alternative methods


I doubt anybody will ever come across or use this framework or choose to use it but it's been a fun little exercise for a few reasons:

  • Learnt JSDoc and generating documentation
  • Found out about multiple TamperMonkey APIs and other scripts like waitForKeyElements
  • Comparing the "before" and "after" of using HamsterScript (in one case, 95 lines was simplified to 55 lines)
  • Creating pipelines from scratch to minify and deploy my library

Future Steps

As this is only a prototype, there's definitely a lot of improvements I could add in the future:

  • Think about versioning my library
  • Hosting multiple versions on a CDN along with multiple versions of documentation
  • Prevent breaking changes
  • Improve minification pipelines
  • Add HamsterScript (and general TamperMonkey) examples
  • Create a testing pipeline

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