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Top Programming Blogs to Read in 2024

If you want to succeed as a developer, you need to immerse yourself in the coding culture. The programming field is so Vast, and there is so much information to absorb that you’ll never get on top if you don’t keep involved enough in all the news and updates.

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Today, the platform gathers millions of views each month and has more than three million subscribers on social networks. Currently, this blog deserves the title of one of the most professional resources, which covers security on the Internet, keeping users informed about the latest developments and technologies in the industry. Among the readers of the blog are both top-class experts and amateurs who are simply interested in the issue.
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Discover endless possibilities for coding projects at! With a vibrant community of developers, tutorials, and resources, unleash your creativity and enhance your coding skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, find inspiration and guidance for your next project. Join today and dive into a world of innovation and collaboration! Check out the latest articles, tips, and tricks to stay ahead in the coding game.

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There is probably no IT expert who has not dealt with the DEV community, dedicated to many fields of programming and development. The platform is attractive to both newcomers and true professionals of the industry.

The community is growing very fast, offering users a huge variety of activities, including communication in the forum as well as access to special help sections, tutorials, tips, and the latest industry news. By reaching out to the Dev community, you’re sure to get a professional and in-depth answer to anything that interests you. If you want to learn as much as you can about development, this is the perfect place.

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This website is a platform where users advise on various educational courses related to software development. This blog is just a treasure trove of valuable information for IT fans since you can find helpful tutorials and guides for programmers here. It’s worth noting that if you’re interested in a particular programming language, this blog can be a bit confusing, as the authors publish materials related to any aspect of the info-technology world. Still, you can learn much about different frameworks for both web and mobile development, Java projects, software testing, and much more.


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Hacker Noon has a very wide range of activities. It is a portal that tackles issues related to technology, software development, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology. You can find mostly technical articles that provide really interesting insights.

Today, Hacker Noon has more than four million visitors per month, the publication gets 100% of its revenue from advertising, and readers help optimize the platform with blockchain-based features, for example, storing comments in their browsers so that Hacker Noon can save on resources. This platform is quite popular among technical specialists and tech fans, as it is an independent resource dedicated to sharing any kind of technology news stories and expert opinions.


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This platform emerged back in 2014 as a nonprofit organization, becoming one of the best free programming platforms for learning code and web development. Along with training courses, users can discuss projects with other members of the community and use this website to get ready for job openings as a developer.

The key advantage of using freeCodeCamp is that the learning process is divided into modules, which makes your experience easy and fun, and at the end of the training program, you can also get certificates in programming that can help you get a job as a developer.


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When you visit the HoneyPot .cult blog, you will see that it is full of various stories from the life of developers, which can provide you with plenty of interesting and original ideas.

This blog will appeal to both software developers and businesses who want to create and choose the proper software solutions. There are many categories available here, covering careers, coding, and offering users a variety of guides, such as “What is open-source software?” The content of the blog is constantly updated, which will surely turn you into a keen user of this platform.

The Netflix Tech Blog

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Today, there is probably no one who hasn’t heard about Netflix. Besides the streaming service, the company runs a special blog on Medium, which will be useful for developers and IT specialists.

Here you’ll learn about Netflix’s world-class developments, company culture, product innovation, and much more. The blog covers topics ranging from product development and engineering advances to how they’ve embraced microservices architecture.

Blog by chinnanj.

Top comments (12)

arslan_ah profile image
Arslan Ahmad

Check blog on System Design and Coding Interviews -

stealc profile image

Thanks for the tip! I browsed the blog on system design and coding interviews, and it looks like a great resource.

sabrinawi profile image
Sabrina Williams • Edited

Thank you, these look very helpful and interesting! 💕🦙

I have to say though, is horrible on mobile. I personally prefer blogs I can leisurely read on my phone in bed on a Sunday morning. 🙈

stealc profile image

Haha, no worries! CodeProject might be a fantastic resource, but definitely not the vibe for a cozy Sunday morning read. 😄

softwaredevelopmentinsights profile image

Great list..all these blogs are very resourceful. For more information you can also check our blog

stealc profile image

Thanks! I'm glad you found the list resourceful, it's also a great resource!.

martagrrez profile image
Marta Gutiérrez

Thank you so much! But I think you missed one..

stealc profile image

Your are welcome, thankyou for your information, it's depends on how you look....!

stealc profile image

Please let me know, if there are blog if u know.

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun

Hey, nice article! Ill look into these!
You could try mine? I talk all things tech and business. I even just launched a free screen recording tool :)

stealc profile image
Chinnureddy • Edited

Thanks dear, I just checked out your tool, it's looks like it's not supported on mobile devices, try to optimize it.

binu_123_a3843dadd55a15f7 profile image
Binu 123

Thank you for sharing! These resources look incredibly helpful and interesting!
I do have to mention, though, that can be quite challenging to navigate on mobile. I prefer blogs that are easy to read on my phone while I’m relaxing in bed on a Sunday morning. These suggestions are great, and I appreciate the effort! For more insights, feel free to check out our blog as well!