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Eduardo Messuti for StatusPal

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6 Best Free OnCall Software in 2024, Open-Source and SaaS

In the world of IT and DevOps/SRE, managing incidents efficiently is paramount. When an unexpected issue arises, having the right OnCall software can make all the difference in minimizing downtime and maintaining service reliability.

On-Call software ensures that there’s always someone available to respond to incidents, no matter the time of day. This tool is vital for businesses that operate around the clock and cannot afford to let issues go unresolved for long periods.

Alerting and OnCall scheduling are critical components of the incident management process. They ensure that the right people are notified and ready to respond when something goes wrong.

This blog post will explore six of the best OnCall software tools in 2024. These tools include open-source solutions and SaaS options with at least a free tier, making them accessible to teams of all sizes and budgets.

  1. Grafana OnCall open-source
  3. LinkedIn OnCall open-source
  4. Roothly
  5. FireHydrant
  6. PagerDuty

1. Grafana OnCall

Grafana OnCall is an open-source OnCall software that is part of the Grafana ecosystem. It’s a highly customizable tool that allows teams to manage their OnCall schedules and incident alerts without the need for a paid subscription. Grafana OnCall is ideal for teams that prefer an open-source solution and already use Grafana for monitoring and observability.

Grafana OnCall

Key Features:

  • Open-source and highly customizable
  • Seamless integration with Grafana’s monitoring stack and Grafana Incident
  • Intuitive OnCall schedule management with rotation management
  • Real-time alerting with customizable notification channels

GitHub Repo of Grafana OnCall →

2. offers a robust platform that goes beyond basic OnCall scheduling. While it is a comprehensive incident management tool, it provides powerful OnCall features essential for effective incident response.’s user-friendly interface and seamless integrations make it an ideal choice for teams looking for an all-in-one solution. OnCall

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive incident tracking and reporting
  • OnCall schedule management with rotation and escalation policies
  • Seamless integration with Slack and other communication tools
  • Automation features that reduce manual effort during incident response Website →

3. LinkedIn OnCall

LinkedIn OnCall is another excellent open-source OnCall software that offers robust features for managing OnCall schedules and incident alerts. Developed by LinkedIn, this tool provides the flexibility needed to manage complex OnCall rotations and ensures that incidents are handled promptly. It’s an ideal choice for organizations that have unique scheduling needs or prefer an open-source solution.

LinkedIn OnCall

Key Features:

  • Open-source with strong community support
  • Flexible OnCall schedule management and rotation policies
  • Integration with popular alerting and monitoring tools
  • Customizable workflows for incident response

GitHub Repository of LinkedIn OnCall →

4. Roothly

Roothly is a free SaaS tool that has gained popularity for its simplicity and effectiveness. It’s particularly well-suited for small to medium-sized teams that need a reliable OnCall software solution without the complexity of more extensive platforms. Roothly provides real-time incident alerts and easy-to-manage OnCall schedules, making it a great option for teams that want to focus on resolving issues quickly.

Roothly OnCall

Key Features:

  • Real-time incident alerts via multiple channels
  • Easy-to-use OnCall schedule management with rotations
  • Detailed post-incident analytics and reporting
  • Integrations with popular monitoring and logging tools

Roothly Website →

5. FireHydrant

FireHydrant offers a free plan that includes OnCall scheduling and incident response features designed to help teams streamline their processes. FireHydrant is particularly useful for teams looking to automate much of their incident management workflow. Its free tier is generous enough to cover the needs of small teams, providing them with the tools necessary to manage OnCall schedules effectively.

FireHydrant OnCall

Key Features:

  • Automated incident response workflows
  • Detailed incident analysis and postmortem reports
  • OnCall schedule management with real-time alerts
  • Integration with popular DevOps and communication tools

FireHydrant Website →

6. PagerDuty

While PagerDuty is traditionally known as a premium solution, it offers a free tier that includes essential OnCall scheduling and alerting features. This makes it an excellent choice for startups or small teams looking for enterprise-grade reliability without the cost. PagerDuty’s free plan includes all the basic features needed to manage OnCall schedules and respond to incidents effectively.

PagerDuty OnCall

Key Features:

  • Advanced OnCall scheduling and escalation policies
  • Real-time alerting with customizable notification rules
  • Automation of incident response workflows
  • Extensive integrations with monitoring, logging, and communication tools

PagerDuty Website →


Selecting the right OnCall software is essential for effective incident management, especially when working with limited resources. Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive platform like, a reliable free tier from PagerDuty, or the flexibility of open-source solutions like Grafana OnCall and LinkedIn OnCall, there’s an option to meet your needs.

These tools not only help manage OnCall schedules but also ensure that your team is always ready to respond to incidents quickly and efficiently. By leveraging these free OnCall software options in 2024, you can optimize your incident management process without breaking the bank.

Explore these tools and enhance your team’s readiness and reliability today! And, as always, don't hesitate to let us know if we missed any tools worth mentioning.

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