DEV Community

Stas Gorshenin
Stas Gorshenin

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Turbocharge Your Web Development with Bun.js and Vite

Ever thought about strapping a jet engine to your bicycle? That's the kind of speed and power that Bun.js and Vite bring to web development. These tools have revolutionized how developers approach building and deploying web applications.

With insights from experienced developers Alexander and Oleg from Valletta Software Development, let’s dive into what makes these tools game-changers.

Bun.js: The Speed Demon of JavaScript

Remember when we thought Node.js was fast? Well, Bun.js makes it look like it's riding a tricycle. Created by Jarred Sumner, Bun.js isn't just another JavaScript runtime—it's a high-speed marvel that's turning heads across the developer community.

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Credit for this and several next findings: Valletta

Why Bun.js Stands Out

  • Blazing Speed: Bun.js, built on JavaScriptCore (Safari's engine), significantly boosts performance, often doubling the speed of applications.
  • Versatile Toolset: It's not just a runtime; Bun.js is also a bundler, test runner, and npm-compatible package manager.
  • Modern Web Support: With full support for TypeScript and JSX, it’s incredibly developer-friendly.

Packed with Powerful Features

  • Package Management: Commands like bun init, bun install, and bun run streamline your workflow.
  • Fast Testing: bun test outperforms Jest, using less CPU and running tests faster.
  • Hot Reloading: bun --hot run index.ts offers rapid reloads during development.
  • Efficient Bundling: bun build outperforms traditional tools like webpack.

Bun.js in Action

Imagine handling 10,000 requests with an Express route generating random strings and SHA1 hashes—Bun.js makes this a breeze. Launched in September 2023, Bun.js is quickly earning a reputation for its remarkable speed, even though it's mainly developed by one person, Jarred Sumner.

Vite: The Swift Build Tool

While Bun.js sets records for runtime speed, Vite redefines build times. Created by Evan You, the genius behind Vue.js, Vite addresses slow build processes head-on, making long waits a thing of the past.

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Vite’s Impressive Features

  • Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Vite’s HMR is nearly instantaneous.
  • Optimized Builds: Uses esbuild for development and Rollup for production, ensuring efficient builds.
  • Framework Agnostic: Supports popular frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte.
  • Code Splitting and Async Loading: Efficiently splits code and loads chunks asynchronously.
  • SSR Support: Server-side rendering right out of the box.

Vite in Practice

A typical Vite production build clocks in at just 3.37 seconds. Compare that to Webpack's 10.82 seconds and Parcel's 9.01 seconds, and you see why Vite is a game-changer.

The Power Combo: Bun.js and Vite

Individually, Bun.js and Vite are impressive. Together, they're unstoppable. Combining Bun.js's speed with Vite’s efficient build process creates a powerful development environment.

Getting Started
Want to try this turbocharged combo? Here's how:

Install Bun.js:

Copy code
curl | bash

Create a Vite Project:

Copy code
npm create vite@latest my-speed-demon-project
cd my-speed-demon-project

Install Dependencies with Bun:

Copy code
bun install

Start the Dev Server:

Copy code
bun run dev

Now you're coding at incredible speeds.

Real-World Applications

Where do Bun.js and Vite shine? Here are a few scenarios:

  • APIs: Bun.js handles backend processes swiftly, while Vite ensures the front end is always ready.
  • Real-time Apps: With Bun.js for WebSockets and Vite for fast updates, real-time apps are seamless.
  • Static Sites: Vite optimizes builds to make static sites load almost instantly.


Bun.js and Vite are leapfrogging traditional tools in web development, redefining speed and efficiency. While Vite may not be ideal for projects not using ES modules or those with complex build configurations, and Bun.js is still gaining contributors, their potential is undeniable. Get on board, and experience the future of web development today.

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