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Abhishek Mishra
Abhishek Mishra

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Don't Be That Dev: Avoiding the XY Problem Trap

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're trying to solve a problem, but you're so focused on your attempted solution that you're not even sure what the actual problem is? This is a common pitfall known as the XY problem.

What is the XY Problem?

The XY problem is a communication issue that often arises in software development. It occurs when someone seeking help focuses on their attempted solution (X) rather than the actual problem they're trying to solve (Y). This can lead to misunderstandings, wasted time, and ineffective solutions.

dont be that dev meme on bill murray

Here's a classic example:

Imagine a developer named Abhishek is working on a web application that displays product information. He encounters an issue where product images take a long time to load, impacting the user experience.

The XY Problem Approach:

Instead of clearly stating the problem of slow image loading, Abhishek asks a question focusing on his chosen solution:

"How can I implement caching for product images in my application?"

Why it's a problem:

While caching might seem like a logical solution, focusing on it without explaining the context can lead to issues:

  • Misdiagnosis: The person providing help might suggest specific caching techniques without understanding the root cause of slow loading. This could be inefficient if the issue lies elsewhere, like slow image optimization or network problems.

  • Limited solutions: Exploring only caching might overlook alternative solutions like image compression or a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that could be more effective.

  • Wasted time: Both Abhishek and the other dev spend time discussing caching, which might not be the real solution.

Better approach:

Abhishek should rephrase his question to focus on the actual problem:

"I'm experiencing slow loading times for product images in my web application. This is affecting the user experience. Can you suggest ways to improve the loading speed?"


  • Clearer communication: The helper understands the desired outcome (faster image loading) and can suggest various solutions, including caching, optimization, or CDN, depending on the root cause.
  • Effective solutions: Exploring a wider range of options increases the chances of finding the most efficient and suitable solution.

  • Saved time: Focusing on the actual problem avoids unnecessary discussions about potentially irrelevant solutions.

Avoiding the XY Problem

Here are some tips to avoid falling into the XY problem trap:

  • Clearly define the problem you're facing: What are you trying to achieve? What specific issue are you encountering?

  • Provide context and relevant details: What have you tried so far? What is the expected outcome?

  • Be open to exploring different solutions: Don't get fixated on your initial idea.

By following these tips, you can ensure effective communication and collaboration when seeking help with software development problems.

Remember: It's always better to focus on the Y (the actual problem) before jumping to the X (solutions).


For more information on the XY problem, you can refer to the Wikipedia page:

Top comments (3)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

Oh man

I'm in this picture and I don't like it

stalwartcoder profile image
Abhishek Mishra

Hahahaha, we all have been there Ben :D

namingthingsishard profile image

Is this's version of subtweeting, I'm definitely guilty of this :p