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Cover image for 4CEE October Meetup
Stacy Cashmore
Stacy Cashmore

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4CEE October Meetup

Wow! After sooo many months I was finally able to get back in front of an audience and talk about one of my favorite topics: Azure Static Web Apps!

The location was 4CEE - I heard that they were looking for a second speaker for an evening, and as I was about ready to test my stamina I submitted a few talks.

They chose my quick tour talk - I love giving this! Basically, during the talk I write an app from scratch (using Azure Functions and Blazor WebAssembly), deploy it to production with a CI workflow, add a custom domain, and finish by adding authentication and authorization.

I love this talk because it's fast-paced, there is plenty for me to do wrong (meaning that I can also show people how I get around some issues...) and I think it really demonstrates the way that the technology can help you get up and running in no time.

The event itself was so much fun. Well organized, plenty of food and drink before we got started, and so many friendly people.

Before I gave my talk Marc Duiker gave an introduction to Dapr - very interesting, and a technology that I have to start looking into soon now that I am recovering.

Then came Annemarie Pannekoek who gave a lightning talk about accessibility, a subject that I try to catch up on whenever possible at conferences (it's an area that IT really needs to improve on). It was Annemarie's first talk and she did absolutely amazingly! I hope I get to see her talk again in the future.

Then came my turn. I was feeling quite ill - I don't think that I will ever get over stage fright and being away for so long seems to have multiplied it! But, once I started talking it felt amazing. I even managed to throw in the odd joke (especially when I did something wrong 😅)

Stacy and Arlean laughing

I'm still not up to traveling, that much I know. And I don't think that I could do this too often. But an occasional talk (say 1x per month) seems like it's on the cards again and I can't wait to get back into it!

Thanks to 4CEE for having me, and Arlean van de Blaak, Jeffrey Bosch and all those behind the scenes for organizing. It was wonderful to be there.

For more information on Azure Static Web Apps, you can go here:

Top comments (2)

marcduiker profile image
Marc Duiker

Love the microphone assistance picture! 🤣 Was great to see you doing public speaking again, you are so good at this 💪.

stacy_cash profile image
Stacy Cashmore

Ah, thank you Marc!

I saw that picture and knew that it had to be used 😊 It was a great evening.