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When do you need a DevRel team and how do you build one?

What is DevRel?

DevRel stands for Developer Relations, which means developer relationships. DevRel teams are teams of people focused on building and maintaining a strong relationship between a tech company and their developer community.

These teams typically work closely with developers to get feedback on products and technologies, provide training and resources, and help developers build applications or integrations. They also often organize community events and conferences to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences within the dev community.

DevRel's main goal is to build strong relationships with developers to ensure they understand, use, and can successfully deploy a company's products and technologies. Through these relationships, a company can gather valuable feedback from the dev community to improve products and drive innovation.

5 reasons why companies have DevRel teams

  • Improving product development: DevRel teams work closely with developers to get feedback and input that can be incorporated into product development. Through this exchange, companies can ensure that their products meet the needs and expectations of the dev community.

  • Increase product acceptance: DevRel teams can help increase product acceptance and adoption by providing training, documentation, tutorials, workshops, and other resources that help the dev community work successfully with products.

  • Strengthen brand reputation: By creating a positive relationship with the dev community, companies can strengthen their image and reputation and be perceived as innovation leaders in their industry.

  • Increasing customer loyalty: DevRel can help build a strong relationship between customers and companies by encouraging engaged developers to share their experiences with other developers, increasing customer retention and loyalty.

  • Innovation and competitive advantage: By collaborating with the Dev Community, companies can develop innovative solutions and applications that give them a competitive edge.

What does the work of a DevRel employee look like?

DevRel employees focus on building and maintaining relationships with developers and the developer community. Their work consists of helping developers understand a company's technology and products by providing training, resources, and support.

An important part of the job is also to gather feedback from developers and share it with the product and development teams. This includes organizing community events and conferences, and participating in developer forums and online communities to stay in touch with developers and understand their needs and requirements.

Although DevRel employees are not directly responsible for selling products or services, they contribute indirectly by strengthening the bond between developers and the company, thus building a loyal and engaged developer community. A strong dev community, in turn, can help the company grow by generating positive word-of-mouth and referrals.

Which companies have DevRel teams?

Some large technology companies that are known to be investing heavily in their DevRel teams include Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook. These companies have extensive developer communities and offer a wide range of resources, training, support and community events to help developers use their products and services.

However, there are also many smaller companies and startups that have DevRel teams and focus heavily on their relationship with their dev community. The size of a DevRel team often depends on the needs of the company and the size of the community it wants to serve.

How do you build a DevRel team?

The following steps offer a good starting point:

  • Identify needs:Before you build a DevRel team, find out what kind of support and resources your developers need. Conduct surveys and interviews to understand the needs and challenges of your developer community.

  • Build a team:Once you've identified the needs of your community, assemble a team of people who have the skills and experience to meet those needs. Typically, a DevRel team consists of developers, evangelists, community managers, and technical writers.

  • Create a plan:Create a plan that describes the team's goals, strategies, tactics, and resources. Define the types of resources and support the team should provide and plan the activities it will undertake to support the dev community.

  • Build a community:Build a dev community by organizing online and offline events to foster discussion and collaboration, and provide training and resources to meet dev needs.

  • Measure success: Measure the success of your DevRel team by tracking metrics such as engagement, dev community growth, and feedback from developers. Use this data to optimize and continuously improve the team.

Building a DevRel team takes time, patience, and resources. It's important to build a culture of collaboration, engagement, and trust to build a strong relationship with your dev community.

Here are some KPIs that can be used to measure the success of DevRel teams:

  • Community growth: This metric tracks the number of developers engaging with the company’s products and services. DevRel teams can measure this by tracking social media followers, event attendance, and online community membership.

  • Developer satisfaction: DevRel teams can use surveys, feedback forms, and other tools to measure how satisfied developers are with the company’s products and services.
    Developer retention: This metric measures how many developers continue to use the company’s products and services over time. DevRel teams can measure this by tracking customer churn rates.

  • Developer advocacy: This metric tracks how many developers are actively recommending the company’s products and services to others. DevRel teams can measure this by tracking social media mentions and online reviews.

  • Developer engagement: This metric tracks how actively developers are engaging with the company’s products and services. DevRel teams can measure this by tracking the number of developers who attend events, participate in forums, and contribute to open-source projects.

These KPIs can help DevRel teams measure the success of their efforts and identify areas for improvement.

What do employees of DevRel teams earn?

Salaries can typically range from $60,000 to $150,000 per year. Entry-level employees with little experience may earn less, while experienced DevRel professionals with specialized knowledge and skills may earn a higher salary.

How does stackstream help DevRel teams?

By using stackstream, DevRel teams can provide real-time workshops, training, and tutorials to help developers work with their products and services. In addition, DevRel teams can use stackstream to engage with the dev community and gather feedback and input. For example, they can host live Q&A sessions or panels to interact directly with the community and hear their concerns. This way, DevRel teams can ensure that their products meet the needs and expectations of the dev community.

Another benefit of stackstream for DevRel teams is the ability to use the recorded videos for training purposes or as a reference for future workshops and training.

Practical examples

What does the Facebook DevRel team do?

  • Facebook's DevRel team is responsible for developing tools and APIs that help developers build on the Facebook platform. These tools and APIs include the Facebook Graph API, Facebook Login, and the Facebook SDKs, among others.

  • The DevRel team provides developers with a wide range of support, including documentation, tutorials, code samples, and support through various channels such as forums and social media.

  • Facebook's DevRel team provides training and workshops for developers to help them get the most out of the Facebook platform and tools. These trainings can take place both online and offline.

  • Engagement with the dev community: Facebook's DevRel team is present on various channels to engage with the community and gather feedback. These include social media, forums, meetups, and conferences.

  • Fostering innovation: The DevRel team works closely with the developer community to gather feedback and suggestions for improvements and new features for the Facebook platform. The team also uses feedback from developers to build new tools and APIs that meet the needs of the dev community.

90 companies with DevRel

  1. Google
  2. Microsoft
  3. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  4. Facebook
  5. Salesforce
  6. Oracle
  7. IBM
  8. Red Hat
  9. Mozilla
  10. Shopify
  11. Twilio
  12. Auth0
  13. GitHub
  14. DigitalOcean
  15. Algolia
  16. Kong
  17. LaunchDarkly
  18. Nexmo
  19. Sentry
  20. Elastic
  21. HashiCorp
  22. Okta
  23. MongoDB
  24. Atlassian
  25. Docker
  26. CircleCI
  27. Cloudflare
  28. Datadog
  29. Fastly
  30. Firebase (Google)
  31. Heroku (Salesforce)
  32. JetBrains
  33. New Relic
  34. Rasa
  35. Segment
  36. Slack
  37. Square
  38. Stripe
  39. Adobe
  40. Akamai Technologies
  41. AppDynamics (Cisco)
  42. Box
  43. Chef
  44. Cisco
  45. Cloudera
  46. Couchbase
  47. DataStax
  48. Dynatrace
  49. GitHub (Microsoft)
  50. GitLab
  51. Google Cloud
  52. Hortonworks (Cloudera)
  53. InfluxData
  54. Intuit
  55. JetBrains
  56. LinkedIn (Microsoft)
  57. MuleSoft (Salesforce)
  58. New Relic
  59. PagerDuty
  60. Pivotal Software (VMware)
  61. Postman
  62. Salesforce Marketing Cloud
  63. ServiceNow
  64. Snowflake
  65. Splunk
  66. Tableau (Salesforce)
  67. ThoughtWorks
  68. VMware
  69. Zendesk
  70. Algosec
  71. Appen
  72. Authy (Twilio)
  73. Avi Networks (VMware)
  74. Bitnami (VMware)
  75. CloudBees
  76. Confluent
  77. (CollabNet)
  78. Gainsight
  79. Hazelcast
  80. Mattermost
  81. Netlify
  82. Nginx (F5 Networks)
  83. Puppet
  84. Rackspace
  85. Snow Software
  86. Solace
  87. Sumo Logic
  88. TIBCO Software
  89. Travis CI (Idera)
  90. Weaveworks

In a world where technology is playing an ever-increasing role, the importance of DevRel teams will only increase. By bridging the gap between business and developers and supporting the dev community, DevRel can help align products with user needs better and drive innovation faster.

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