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what is a number line?

A number line is a visual representation of numbers on a straight line. This line is used to compare numbers that are placed at equal intervals on an infinite line that extends on both sides, horizontally or vertically. As we move towards the right side of a horizontal number line, the numbers increase; as we move towards the left, the numbers decrease.

What is a Number Line?

A visual representation of numbers on a straight line drawn either horizontally or vertically is known as a number line. Writing down numbers on a number line makes it easy for us to compare them and perform basic arithmetic operations on them. Zero (0) is considered to be the origin of a number line. The numbers to the left of 0 are negative numbers and the numbers to the right of 0 are all positive numbers. So, we can say that on a number line, as we move towards the right, the value of numbers increases. This means that the numbers present on the right are larger than the numbers on the left.

Negative and Positive Number Line
As we discussed above, a number line has positive and negative numbers. The section of the number line to the left side of zero forms a negative number line. While, the section on the right side of zero contains all positive numbers, and it forms a positive number line. It can be extended to infinity from both ends (right and left).

Tips and Tricks on Number line

We can represent various numbers on the number line, according to our requirements. For example, they can be only positive numbers, integers between -4 and 3, or even fractions between -2 and 2.
Number lines can help us in real-life situations. For example, they read the altitude (height) which is shown on a GPS device's screen, and can tell you how high or low you are below sea level!

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